Super Sonic Shines in new Statue

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.06.2010 5

Super Sonic Shines in new Statue on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest creation from First 4 Figures is now floating in the flesh with SEGA's energy drenched Super Sonic making the resin mix.

Image for Super Sonic Shines in new StatueSuper Sonic, a near-invincible version of SEGA's beloved mascot, comes about when then prickly hero collects all 7 chaos emeralds and 50 rings. A burst of power later and he's zipping at extremes speeds through everything and anything. Super Sonic first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and has been a popular and almost compulsory addition since.

The 15 incher is due Q1 2011, and also comes as a second "exclusive" edition with complimenting glowing base sparks as he glides along Eggman's deadly metal.

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Queue a Superlink going, and I quote, "HNNNNNNGGGGGHHHH".

Actually I think it looks kinda silly, and it'll probably be massively expensive.

Maybe I'd be interested if I had money to waste, and not a billion other pieces of merchandise I'd rather get first, but I don't get what the big deal about these figures is.

Other than them being big. At 15 inches he's like... taller than me.

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Looks cool. I do have to say that I'd prefer the newer and more current Sonic look (ie slim fit), but I know this is to pay tribute to the original and first super sonic so. Smilie

SuperLink said:
but I don't get what the big deal about these figures is.

I dunno, my Fierce Deity Link looks kinda... cool.

SuperLink said:
Other than them being big. At 15 inches he's like... taller than me.

You say...! The normal version will be $ 139.99 and the illuminated will cost $159,99 - with the first limited to 1500 and the second to 350 pieces total.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

SSJ3 Sonic!

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