E310 | Paper Mario 3DS Release Date Leaked?

By 21.06.2010 31

E310 | Paper Mario 3DS Release Date Leaked? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Looking through the 3DS game pages, various people have noticed a date for an upcoming 3DS game on the Nintendo Europe website. It revealed what could be a leaked release date for the new Paper Mario on the 3DS. The release date, which may have been mistakenly put up said 'March 25th 2011'. It was then taken down and has since disappeared.

The release date for the game fits within Nintendo's schedule for the systems release, with the company stating that the system would be out no later than March next year, for all major regions.

Not much else is known about Paper Mario on the 3DS yet. Be sure to stick to C3 for upcoming news on the title.

Many thanks to Gamekyo and Squidboy for the tip

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Aaaages away. Smilie

( Edited 23.04.2013 03:17 by Guest )

As long as the 3DS is out before the end of 2010, I can wait for Paper Mario. Smilie

( Edited 23.04.2013 03:17 by Guest )

Ifrit XXII said:
As long as the 3DS is out before the end of 2010, I can wait for Paper Mario. Smilie

Pretty much this. I'll be disappointed if it's not out for Holiday 2010... and I'll be especially angry/annoyed if Europe has to wait until next year while everywhere else gets it this year, like last time =_=

But yeah if the 3DS is out this year then I can wait a while for some of the other awesome games! I'll still be happy.

( Edited 23.04.2013 03:17 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's seems likely Japan will get the 3DS in December this year, while we in the West are due to get it in March.

It is ages away :/..I feel like I need to import, I may do once we get some more details on any region locking it may have.

( Edited 23.04.2013 03:17 by Guest )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I love Paper Mario. I sincerely hope that the 3DS comes out in the US before Christmas is over, but I'm having doubts. Smilie

( Edited 23.04.2013 03:17 by Guest )

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

I really can't see Paper Mario 3DS being a launch title, as awesome as it will inevitably be regardless.

Bobby (guest) 21.06.2010#7

Do we know if the 3DS is region locked because if its not ill probably import one.

I can see a repeat of the DS release, with late Nov/early Dec for US/Japan and March for Aus/EU...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
bbobby brown (guest) 28.06.2010#10


Wesley (guest) 03.07.2010#11

I want The 3DS System & Paper Mario 3DS To be released on Holiday 2010 after Halloween.Smilie

Raganork (guest) 10.07.2010#12

Why do we need more paer? I have plenty in my printer. Smilie

? (guest) 07.08.2010#13

OMG, this game is making me want to have a hyper spaz, figure out how to time travel, and get a 3ds with this game.

This game, Mario kart and Kid Icarus are the main games I'm looking foward to.

But this game,byfar is the one I want most. I think I'm gonna get this and the 3ds at the same time so I have something cool to play once I've messed with the 3ds feature.

I'm also hoping for a 3ds flipnote studio ( keppin' my fingers crossed ) lol

ANTHONY (guest) 22.03.2011#15


coolguy (guest) 01.04.2011#16

ITS OUT. the nintendo3ds is out and it came out march 27th ,2011 Smilie (3/27/2011)SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

brian (guest) 04.04.2011#17


Alexandra (guest) 04.04.2011#18

25th dumbass

XD99..lolrofllmao (guest) 07.04.2011#19

Smilie WHEN THIS THING COMIN OUT?!? im dyin literally...paper mario helped me through my childhood for both original and TTYD

tyiunhy (guest) 02.07.2011#20

Smiliehow long now

Death the kid (guest) 25.07.2011#21

it passed the release date -.- :-x

Infinity (guest) 31.07.2011#22

Well it will be released this year.. FOR SURE
Be happy with that already guys Smilie
But too bad, it will take long... CANT WAIT :-x

mystery (guest) 02.08.2011#23

I have every one of the paper mario series, and i think this one will be THE reason I get a 3DS!javascript:smilie('Smilie','post_text'Smilie

this game suck assssssssss:-x:-x:-xSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

friend code for 3ds 2964-8614-6354
ShyGuySonic (guest) 05.10.2011#25

Awww... Sorry guys, but it won't be released IN JAPAN until 2012. Smilie That means, it could be 2013 before it's released here IF IT ISN'T postponed. Smilie Help us, help me, help Sonic, help the World, please Nintendo!

Gold Stars for Everyone! Smilie


Smilie Talk to me here ---> www.mariowiki.com. I am Paperphailurethemariomonster99. Smilie

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