E310 | Nomura on Kingdom Hearts DS, 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2010 5

E310 | Nomura on Kingdom Hearts DS, 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Not much was discussed when the new Kingdom Hearts game popped up on Nintendo's big 3DS squad in development. However Tetsuya Nomura recently spoke to Japanese magazine Famitsu on the forthcoming games with a few new details.

  • Kingdom Hearts development begun immediately after Square Enix heard of the general 3DS details.
  • The 3DS game is being developed by the Square Enix Osaka team, who had previously worked on Birth by Sleep.
  • Whilst the 3DS in the title isn't the final name, the "3D" does have some importance, an abbreviation of the game's subtitle.
  • 'KH3D' will be a title that enters a new step to follow the three games whose production was announced simultaneously, '358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, and Coded.
  • Sora and Riku are the two main characters. As mentioned previously, the new KH3D is not a remake of a previous title - but a new game entirely. The team are currently divising new worlds and scenarios.
  • Nomura believes that the Osaka team will be able to do a good job of the game, given the little development time they had putting together the E3 demo. The folk there are also helping out where they can in the DS remake of Kingdom Hearts Coded.
  • There are still surprises in store - whilst people think that the DS and 3DS Kingdom Hearts games are the two Nomura mentioned in the past, it's not the case. "'I am scheduled to come to next year's E3 too."
  • Box art for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

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    Kingdom hearts in 3d would be cool!

    I'm glad to see this won't be a remake that was previously reported by another website (big mistake there).

    I hope they do better than 358/2 Days. It wasn't bad -- but it wasn't all that great.

    "Do a Barrel Roll!"
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    He also cared to remind us that the new Kingdom Hearts not yet unveiled is NOT Kingdom Hearts III, and that development on KH3 hasn't begun yet.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    Kafei2006 said:
    He also cared to remind us that the new Kingdom Hearts not yet unveiled is NOT Kingdom Hearts III, and that development on KH3 hasn't begun yet.

    It sure is taking him forever to build up to it.

    I hope it's not too unnecessary... it sure is feeling like it is.
    KHI and II only had 1 game between them, but it seems like KHII and III are gonna have 6 games between them. >>

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Thsts coz the KH's team is still hard at work on FFversusXIII, a game that has been forever in the making, so lets say FFVXIII comes out next year we probably wont see KH3 till 2013/14. In the mean time its a million side stories while we wait

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