E310 Media | Kingdom Hearts Ventures onto 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2010 10

E310 Media | Kingdom Hearts Ventures onto 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As well as venturing onto the original DS, Kingdom Hearts will also leap into 3D, with an entry for Nintendo's 3DS.

Fans of the popular Disney/Square Enix collaboration can get their fix with Kingdom Hearts Re:coded announced last week for the current DS and even more love with another game outputting in 3D. The game takes on a similar art direction and design to the original PlayStation 2 game, so it may well be a port or new entry in the main series.

Image for E310 Media | Kingdom Hearts Ventures onto 3DS

Image for E310 Media | Kingdom Hearts Ventures onto 3DS
Box art for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Square Enix


Square Enix


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This has port written all over it. But this may not actually be a bad thing.

"Do a Barrel Roll!"
Jim (guest) 16.06.2010#2

Hmmm seems that way, seeing as how the first game is probably the best in the series and less up it's own arse with DARKNESS and HEART then yeah it may be a good thing.

oh man 3DS is going to be so good Big N really got a good line up what a start

I physically cannot see how this is a port. I don't know why everyone keeps saying that.

Kingdom Hearts I - Had no playable Riku or Nobody enemies, there are plot related reasons for this so they can't be changed

Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM - Had no Nobody enemies until the final boss, and the worlds were laid out much more weirdly, that looks like normal Traverse Town to me

Kingdom Hearts II - Has older Sora and Riku

This can't be a port.
Just FYI guys.

( Edited 16.06.2010 09:18 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It's obviously just a tech demo. And SuperLink, where's Twilight Town? Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
It's obviously just a tech demo. And SuperLink, where's Twilight Town? Smilie

Sorry I get the two mixed up sometimes. ._.

As for it being a tech demo, I don't know why they'd show that Nobody enemy if the final game wasn't going to feature Nobodies.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

They need to get away from KH1 Sora. Haley Joel Osment has too deep a voice now like in KH2 so it'll look silly. Smilie

I'd rather have a remake of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix but if Tetsuya wants to add more complicated stories explaining why young Sora is fighting nobodies then that's fine too. Smilie

This has been confirmed as being a new game by the Birth by Sleep team...so not the port that most people are saying...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses


its supposedly not a port. Which is a good thing not that I have played any of them. I was worried too many ports would flood the 3DS but RE and this game are new entries. Hopefully nintendos offerings shake things up enough to make them extra special

Yep, there's a summary of the trailer that was apparently shows to some members of the press here.

It's a new title, and it's the title Nomura claimed he hoped would make "an impact" at E3 this year.
Nomura gives away some more info on it here.

( Edited 17.06.2010 22:39 by SuperLink )

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