E310 Media | 3DS to Host Street Fighter IV

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2010 5

E310 Media | 3DS to Host Street Fighter IV  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom's longrunning fighter is coming home, with Nintendo announcing a version of Super Street Fighter IV for 3DS.

During the reveal at the company's E3 2010 conference, one of the titles due for the new platform was confirmed as a port of the latest mainline installment of the Street Fighter series. Your favourite warriors from around the globe will be punching, kicking and blasting fireballs at one another in glorious 3D.

Image for E310 Media | 3DS to Host Street Fighter IV

Image for E310 Media | 3DS to Host Street Fighter IV

Image for E310 Media | 3DS to Host Street Fighter IV
Box art for Super Street Fighter IV








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3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

That looks...... wow. Just Wow. And since it is using the new graphics and it looks like they have not been downscaled that much, it looks like it could be better than Alpha 3 or the other SF games on a Nintendo system. Might pick this up at some point.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I was disappointed by the resolution of the 3DS screens, but this seems to look excellent. I wan't, I want, I want! Smilie

Super Sonic said:
That looks...... wow. Just Wow. And since it is using the new graphics and it looks like they have not been downscaled that much, it looks like it could be better than Alpha 3 or the other SF games on a Nintendo system. Might pick this up at some point.

Why would you buy a downscaled port of a game you already own for 360? That's like me buying tekken 6 for the psp when I already own the 360 version xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Excellent news. Looks like we'll be getting some good fighting games on a Nintendo handheld.

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