E310 | nintendogs + cats Bounds Onto 3DS

By Calum Peak 16.06.2010 5

E310 | nintendogs + cats Bounds Onto 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo surprised everybody with their incredibly cute animal sim, nintendogs. Now with the unveiling of the 3DS, Nintendo have confirmed that they will once again be bringing the loveable puppies to the audience, with cats thrown in as extra in nintendogs + cats

Satoru Iwata spoke about the kind of mechanics that will feature in the new title. One of these is when you move you head about, your furry little friend will actually follow you. Similarly, with cats thrown into the mix, dogs will actually try and attempt to catch them around the room leading to some amusing reactions from both cat and dog.

nintendogs + cats will take full advantage of the new features of the 3DS, with not only an impressive 3D effect, but Facial Movement Recognition by way of the camera.

Image for E310 | nintendogs + cats Bounds Onto 3DS

Image for E310 | nintendogs + cats Bounds Onto 3DS

Are you looking forward to nintendogs + cats?

Box art for Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever & Friends








C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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See I told you all but no one believed me along with the film playback option and the home screen.

I would like to thank my friends at Nintendo Japan, US and Europe for giving me the gossip, you guys and gal rock!

Horace has friends in all the best places.

( Edited 16.06.2010 07:59 by MightyHorace )

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

Care to reveal any more Horace? Those NDAs can't still be holding right? Smilie

Oh, for the record, I believed you. Smilie

Oh come on Horace, those things were pretty much guarenteed. Smilie

Didn't see anyone discuss it until I mentioned it...

Thanks Phoenixus you can have a star

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">
becky (guest) 03.12.2010#5

Is it only for 3dsSmilie

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