E310 Media | New Tournament of Legends Screens

By 15.06.2010

E310 Media | New Tournament of Legends Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More E3 news for the Wii and this time it's from High Voltage, developer of The Conduit and it's upcoming sequel. High Voltage have released brand new screens from their other upcoming project, gladiator brawler, Tournament of Legends (previously known as Gladiator A.D). The new screenshots show, what looks like an improvement to the visuals and also gameplay.

Tournament of Legends is a one-on-one 3D fighting game. You can go solo against the computer or battle through the likes of the Minotaur, gladiators and Valkyries. Multiplayer is also included, giving you the chance pummel a friend to pieces instead if you feel so inclined. Battles consist of magical attacks, legendary weaponry and fearful abilities.

Tournament of Legends is once again being powered by High Voltage Software's custom Wii engine, Quantum 3.

Check out the new sceenshots below.

Image for E310 Media | New Tournament of Legends Screens
Image for E310 Media | New Tournament of Legends Screens

More images can be found in the games gallery.

Box art for Tournament of Legends

High Voltage







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