E310 | Capcom Bringing Back Older Games

By Adam Riley 15.06.2010 9

E310 | Capcom Bringing Back Older Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has announced its intention to revitalise some of its older games. There are already some new instalments of previously popular Capcom titles that have been left gathering dust due to other, newer games coming to the forefront. With the likes of Mega Man and Bionic Commando appearing in the past couple of years, the question has to be what else does Capcom have up its sleeve? A new Breath of Fire, perhaps, or even letting Goichi Suda use the killer7 name again?

Capcom is very proud of its multi-million selling established franchises such as Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter. But we’ve also got some other franchises in our locker which we’re going to re-establish on the global stage in the near future. We’re not going to rest on our laurels and even with established franchises we’re going to try new things. We have quite a few surprises up our sleeves as we look to bring back some much-loved brands, create new ones and innovate with our existing line-up. I believe our fans will be happy with what we’re planning.
- Capcom’s European Senior Director of Marketing, Michael Pattison

What would you like to see Capcom revive?

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I was actually going to mention in the story '...or perhaps rekindle its Disney deal for Chip 'N Dale, Duck Tales, etc,' but didn't in the end as sadly it seems unlikely for anything other than VC releases...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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MissingNo (guest) 15.06.2010#4

Dino Crisis please! Smilie Like the first two and not the terrible 3rd game. Smilie

jesusraz said:
I was actually going to mention in the story '...or perhaps rekindle its Disney deal for Chip 'N Dale, Duck Tales, etc,' but didn't in the end as sadly it seems unlikely for anything other than VC releases...

Capcom's run with the Disney license was truly fantastic. I really can't think of a subpar Disney game they put out for the NES or Super NES.

Fran (guest) 15.06.2010#6

Remake 'Dino Crisis' for the Wii, using the Resident Evil Remake graphics and engine...it could definitly work. How good would that be?

Fran (guest) said:
Remake 'Dino Crisis' for the Wii, using the Resident Evil Remake graphics and engine...it could definitly work. How good would that be?

Yes, yes and yes Smilie

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anan (guest) 16.06.2010#8


DragonChi (guest) 28.11.2010#9

Breath of Fire!!!

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