E310 | Rumour: Animal Crossing Going 3DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2010 26

E310 | Rumour: Animal Crossing Going 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's only a matter of days before Nintendo's big 3DS reveal, and one rumours suggests a new Animal Crossing 3DS will join the line-up.

Nintendo's quirky and much loved life simulation game has done exceptionally well on both the DS and Wii, and if rumours are to be believed, then the new hardware will be launching with another entry in the Animal Crossing series. Representatives for Nintendo have, expectedly, refused to comment so soon to E3 2010.

If any first party game would do the trick for Nintendo, one of them has to involve K.K. Slider and his animal chums, but does the series still ignite a desire to play for you?

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MissingNo (guest) 10.06.2010#1

They need to give it a massive shake up instead of releasing the same game over and over with the slightest of changes. Voice Chat and an improved online mode would be welcome also.

I can see how the 3D would make it look good. Smilie

OHGODYES. I luuurve Animal Crossing. Smilie The Wii version was indeed a disappointment though, since it had very little new to offer. Still good in it's own right though. Hopefully they'll add a load of new stuff. And drop the rolly landscape, I don't like it. :/

Agreed with both of your comments, the wii one from what I played of it was too much like the ds one, just with a few added features. I'd love for a new one to come out as long as it's improved majorly, add more stuff in to do so it doesn't get repetitive.
I'd also like the 3DS to not have friend codes, instead just a name adding system.

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I love Animal Crossing but they have to change it up. Better online (DROP FRIEND CODES!!), new content, new land, maybe a job system?

"Do a Barrel Roll!"
Joquindalaquiqui (guest) 10.06.2010#5

They better make it. This is like the most epic game ever, but they need to add a ton of new content!

My sources are saying something else

A key Launch title is going to be a new take on the Nintendogs license, the game was the main driving force in Nintendo shifting the DS hardware to a broader demographic.

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

MightyHorace said:
A key Launch title is going to be a new take on the Nintendogs license, the game was the main driving force in Nintendo shifting the DS hardware to a broader demographic.

If one of the only key launch titles for the 3DS is going to be a Nintendogs alike then I can safely say it'll be one of the most "count me out" launches Nintendo has ever done Smilie

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MightyHorace said:
My sources are saying something else

A key Launch title is going to be a new take on the Nintendogs license, the game was the main driving force in Nintendo shifting the DS hardware to a broader demographic.

A new nintenpets type game sounds like it could work really well, especially in 3D.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I love this series very, very much. But I hate how stagnant it has become, especially considering the utterly staggering potential it has. If Nintendo does it right, Animal Crossing 3DS could really be one of the greatest launch titles ever made.

But I doubt they'll go all out. Nope. We'll probably get a (slightly) bigger city and some other minor features.

Please prove me wrong Nintendo.

MightyHorace said:

A key Launch title is going to be a new take on the Nintendogs license, the game was the main driving force in Nintendo shifting the DS hardware to a broader demographic.

Nintencats would get me in the queue day one, I'd no longer have to worry about allergies. Smilie

SuperLink said:
MightyHorace said:
A key Launch title is going to be a new take on the Nintendogs license, the game was the main driving force in Nintendo shifting the DS hardware to a broader demographic.

If one of the only key launch titles for the 3DS is going to be a Nintendogs alike then I can safely say it'll be one of the most "count me out" launches Nintendo has ever done Smilie

I enjoyed Nintendogs quite a lot, I'd be happy to see a Nintendogs 2 or or another Nintenpets game. I'd happily buy Animal Crossing and Nintendogs on the 3DS launch, but I'd be disappointed if that's all there is.

The DS and Wii both had great launch titles, Mario and Zelda games, and the GC had great original titles like Luigi's Mansion.

True TP wasn't exactly a Wii game, so that's not an amazing laugh by any means, but if the 3DS doesn't launch with one hard hitter or original IP from Nintendo I'm going to be very disappointed.

I wouldn't consider Nintendogs a hard hitter, it was a clever pet sim with amazing graphics that kept my interest for a few weeks before I never touched it again. I still play Mario 64 DS.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lol, I said this as soon as I heard about the 3DS being announced. Smilie

Also, going back to the Nintendogs subject... I'd love to see a Nintendogs/other pet game as my mum kinda gave me one chance to get a dog, but the fucking woman at the shelter was a complete bitch and never came to our house for inspection. So yeah, virtual pets for the win.

Super Mario Sunshine 3DS might be a launch game. Smilie

The GBA had Super Mario Bros. 2 and the DS had Mario 64 so it's possible. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
Super Mario Sunshine 3DS might be a launch game. Smilie

The GBA had Super Mario Bros. 2 and the DS had Mario 64 so it's possible. Smilie

Super Mario Sunshine 3DS
- SMS with extras
- Playable Luigi, Wario and Peach

I've been dreaming about this game for quite a while now.
(Which means it won't happen Smilie )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Ifrit XXII said:
Super Mario Sunshine 3DS might be a launch game. Smilie

The GBA had Super Mario Bros. 2 and the DS had Mario 64 so it's possible. Smilie

Super Mario Sunshine 3DS
- SMS with extras
- Playable Luigi, Wario and Peach

I've been dreaming about this game for quite a while now.
(Which means it won't happen Smilie )

As me and SuperLink have discussed before, Sunshine was my least favourite 3D Mario platformer. (That doesn't mean I didn't like it) I would actually like to see this on the 3DS as a launch title, along with a bunch of new content such as;
- More Stars Shine Sprites. (How many did SMS have?)
- More playable characters like Peach, Luigi, Wario, TOAD?!?
- Great mini games like SM64 DS
- Download Play Multiplayer. Whether for the mini-games or the ability to play side-by-side beating bad guys and collecting Shines. Orrrr... like the Multiplayer mode in SM64 DS, battling for Stars

EDIT: Last idea was because my little cousin loved the multiplayer in SM64 DS. Smilie

( Edited 10.06.2010 22:59 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
Sunshine was my least favourite 3D Mario platformer. (That doesn't mean I didn't like it)

Same here, but if I said I didn't still love it to bits I'd be lying.

- More Stars Shine Sprites. (How many did SMS have?)

SMS had 120. Mario 64 DS had 150 Stars but many of SM64's Stars were replaced with lamer/easier Stars, so I'd only be happier with a larger Shine count if they left the original Shines intact.

- More playable characters like Peach, Luigi, Wario, TOAD?!?

I've seen enough Toads for one lifetime thanks to NSMBW. I never want to see one again.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

SMS had 120. Mario 64 DS had 150 Stars but many of SM64's Stars were replaced with lamer/easier Stars, so I'd only be happier with a larger Shine count if they left the original Shines intact.

Ah, right. I can remember 64 DS having 150, but never really realised that most of the stars were replaced... this is probably due to the fact that I haven't played the original in quite a while. Doesn't make sense for Nintendo to replace though..?

SuperLink said:
I've seen enough Toads for one lifetime thanks to NSMBW. I never want to see one again.

Toad is epic. D:
Also, what's your huge problem with NSMBW? It wasn't that bad.

Mush123 said:

Ah, right. I can remember 64 DS having 150, but never really realised that most of the stars were replaced... this is probably due to the fact that I haven't played the original in quite a while. Doesn't make sense for Nintendo to replace though..?

Not most, just some/many of the old stars were replaced. The more notably difficult stars really, I'm assuming it was so Nintendo could make the game for easily completable for DS' audience, this was before Super Guide afterall.

SuperLink said:
Toad is epic. D:
Also, what's your huge problem with NSMBW? It wasn't that bad.

No it's not really a bad game at all, it's really good, I just have a problem with it because there are so many lazy aspects of it that people will endlessly stick up for, and it's pretty much just like every other Mario Bros game we've ever played, only with CoOp as well as competitive multiplayer.

And yet everyone else seems to literally worship it, I just can't understand why. So it's more of a pet peeve thing.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
The more notably difficult stars really, I'm assuming it was so Nintendo could make the game for easily completable for DS' audience, this was before Super Guide afterall.

Would be nice to see Nintendo incorporate Super Guide into their DS games. This will allow them to create amazingly difficult games but still get lots of sales. Smilie
Anyway, we're kinda drifting off-topic. Also, I don't worship NSMBW. It was a pretty good game though.

( Edited 11.06.2010 00:14 by Mush123 )

I would much rather have Super Mario Galaxy 3DS than a remake of Sunshine. I hope Mario never leaves the galaxies Smilie

OR Nintendo could do something wild and make an original new 3D Mario (like 64, Sunshine, Galaxy) for their next handheld. Surprise us Ninty!

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Taking this back to animal crossing i would like it if instead of nes games like the gamecube version they had virtual boy games that you could find/unlock and are playable on the 3ds.

jim (guest) 11.06.2010#23

It wouldn't be surprising.
Anyhow, AC needs to be shook up, like Mario was with Galaxy and Zelda is being with Zelda Wii (supposedly)

Gosh I got terrible backache from all this moving!

I was under the impression nintendo was going to release SMS as a replay title with wii functionality along with wind waker.

Nintendogs regardless if we think it's good or bad helped shift over 4 million units of the game but was the first game which helped establish females as a core audience. This is vital in getting the necessary sales.

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

The reasons that AC:CF did not sell/go over too well with the critics was that:

1) It was the SAME EXACT GAME as AC:WW.

2) It was not a portable as WW (obviously), so that made it more of a chore than a fun time killer.

No joke, I used to play WW EVERY NIGHT when it first came out. If AC on the 3DS allows me to do that, then that is one damn good game. Can't wait!

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

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