Tsujimoto: Capcom Interested in 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.06.2010 4

Tsujimoto: Capcom Interested in 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom CEO Haruhiro Tsujimoto recently spoke to Nikkei on various topics including the company's stance on developing for Nintendo's new 3DS.

With Nintendo's expected big public reveal of the new technology set to happen in a matter of days, Tsujimoto was quizzed on how Capcom feels about the new hardware, and whether or not they'll be adopting the system early.

Of course, it allows us to do things that couldn't be done until now, so the development staff is showing great interest, but what's important is how much the users themselves want 3D content. What we're more looking forward to is the offering of a new business model.

Nintendo has been in the hardware business for a long time, and I believe they must be looking closely at Apple's recent success. We third parties are paying attention to Nintendo's E3 3DS announcement because of this point as well.

Nintendo is expected to reveal the new 3DS at next week's conference on June 15th.

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I told you about the apple structure that Nintendo is gonna adopt months ago and see look at all the comments coming in that developers themselves want it.

MightyHorace knows all Smilie

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

The Apple thing was obvious. Just look at all the useless "apps" on the DSiWare store. Smilie

Will find the blurb I wrote back in Feb / March but I posted first then ign done a story a couple weeks later saying nintendo need to adopt a following platform. So I started first so there haha

( Edited 08.06.2010 19:08 by MightyHorace )

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

Everybody knows they should do that. The question is, will they do it?

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