Goldeneye Wii Rumour Gets Photoshop, Daniel Craig

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.06.2010 7

Goldeneye Wii Rumour Gets Photoshop, Daniel Craig on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

E3 2010 is drawing closer and so rumor mills have begun churning rubbish once again. This time: Goldeneye N64 complete with Daniel Craig.

The rumour has done the internet rounds today and whilst likely to be as fake as Jaws' steel teeth it does suggest an interesting idea:

Can Activision remake the N64 classic Goldeneye by changing Pierce Brosnan's likeness with another actor?

The rumour claimed that a survey had asked whether consumers would be interested in a Wii-remake, complete with various Photoshopped box-art, a delicious klobb zapper and even a nifty golden coloured Classic Controller given the once-over from Google Images.

Image for Goldeneye Wii Rumour Gets Photoshop, Daniel Craig

If true we'll happily remove our reporting fingers using Odjob's infamous hat.

Box art for GoldenEye 007





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Well...Activision holds all rights to the James Bond property, so that must also include actual game code, right? That's why Rare and MS haven't been able to stick GoldenEye on XBLA, despite wanting to.

It'd be interesting if this turned out to be true.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

But could they call it Goldeney with Daniel Craig in the lead or would the Bond "estate" say no to that since it goes against the movie "universe"?

From the GoNintendo site, I like the second boxart the best. Better than the original at least...

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I don't think Activision holds any right on the game code developped by Rareware coders, nor the level designs, etc... which are all original work by Rareware "based" on the James Bond license.

If Activison wants to make a "new" Goldeneye, then good for them, no one can stop them, but remaking the same game which was the result of efforts by Rareware workers (coders, designers, composers for the remixed versions of classic James Bond tunes), i don't think they have any right to do that.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


Activision remaking GoldenEye... who in their right mind would want that?

They could use the latest IW engine and call it Call of Duty: GoldenEye.

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