Sonic Colours Announced for Wii and DS

By Shane Jury 26.05.2010 17

Sonic Colours Announced for Wii and DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the relative success of Sonic the Hedgehog's games on Nintendo's consoles, both in mainline titles such as Sonic Unleashed and spinoff episodes such as the storybook series and the co-adventures with Mario in the Olympic Games) titles, SEGA will be bringing a new game to Wii and DS by the end of 2010, Sonic Colours.

Press release and teaser trailer below.

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (May 26th, 2010) SEGA ® Europe Ltd. & SEGA ® America, Inc. today announced Sonic ™ Colours, the new high-speed adventure of our famous hero Sonic the Hedgehog. Struggling with saving a colorful alien race fall into the clutches of Dr. Eggman, Sonic will face many obstacles along an inspired sci-fi themed amusement park. Sonic Colours will be available on Wii ™ and Nintendo DS ™ at the end of 2010.

A unique playground has been seen orbiting the planet of Sonic the Hedgehog. Some rumors speak of an alien race called wisps, with a rare colored energy, which is now imprisoned here, by the evil Dr. Eggman. Sonic, once arrived on the planet's entertainment, you can use immediately made aware of this rare power to help colored wisps in the escape! The Wii version of Sonic Colours combines both 2D and 3D gaming perspective, while the Nintendo DS version takes advantage of the characteristics of the double-screen console.

"The lively alien universe of Sonic Colours allows players to race at breakneck speed along amazing planets, each with its peculiarities and unique visual style." Comment on Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing SEGA. "In addition to classic Sonic gameplay, new power-wisps, they offer an innovative way to explore these new worlds and help Sonic to run faster than ever!"

The new Sonic hedgehog Colours see our dear speeding, jumping off himself among enemies like never before in a Sonic game. The aliens WISPs are able to free their "Colour Power" that can be absorbed by Sonic drilling to create new roads, for example, the ground (via the Yellow Drill), or go through the whole internship at supersonic speed (thanks to Cyan Laser). Combining the different available energies can further increase the speed of Sonic and his abilities beyond imagination. Lots of power ups and exclusive versions will be available for Wii and Nintendo DS for a brand new super-fast gameplay of Sonic for fans around the world.

Sonic Colours will be available on Wii ™ and Nintendo DS ™ at the end of 2010.

While we wait for further information, Doctor Eggman invites you to check out the new official mini-site for Sonic Colours, showing new art and screenshots. Click below...

Image for Sonic Colours Announced for Wii and DS

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I was so confused when I first heard about this, it truly came out of nowhere, and it looks so crazy and well... colourful!

After Sonic 4 looks so promising, I really hope this actually turns out good too. It's been so long since they released a 3D Sonic without a game breaking gimmick.

But still, my head is full of fuck! Smilie

Fingers crossed that never happens eh?
Because after Sonic 4 has pretty much turned out so well... ruining that with another terrible 3D game would be a real shame, and any hope of Sonic truly getting back on track would be a pipe dream.

Still, I'll stay positive for now Smilie Super Sonic Galaxy could be fun!

EDIT: Updated news post with minisite.

( Edited 26.05.2010 15:59 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This doesn't look to be part of the Storybook series for obvious reasons, and due to console exclusivity I wouldn't call it mainline either. But the promise of a 2D/3D Unleashed-like Wii game and 2D DS game (Rush 3 in all but name?!) has me intrigued. Smilie

Boost gauge confirmed. Inb4 shitstorm.


( Edited 26.05.2010 16:03 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sonic Colours looks quite interesting but the "color power" looks to be this games gimmick. Let's just hope it doesn't ruin the game similar to the Black Knight's sword. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
Sonic Colours

Don't worry, the U is present in the European logo Smilie I put the American ones up because there was art of them and they weren't Italian sources Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
looks quite interesting but the "color power" looks to be this games gimmick. Let's just hope it doesn't ruin the game similar to the Black Knight's sword. Smilie


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Oh god no a rainbow of new Sonic friends

Jump_button said:
Oh god no a rainbow of new Sonic friends

They're about as major as Chao and the little animals from early Sonic games, i.e. they'll probably never appear again after a couple of games, or they might only be in this, seeing as it's set in space 'n' all.

Start worrying when they confirm a new character, not before then ;P

( Edited 26.05.2010 16:17 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I hope tails is playable. Smilie I was hoping for the next 3D game to be a sequel to Unleashed without the night stages and to also have tails and knuckles playable to allow for unique routes. But Sonic Team would probably muck it up. Smilie

SuperLink said:
Don't worry, the U is present in the European logo Smilie I put the American ones up because there was art of them and they weren't Italian sources Smilie

That's good to know. Smilie

The US Minisite has some mock up boxes. I guess WiFi is confirmed. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

wtf Sega? make a Jet Set Radio 3 for Christ sake. At least that series isn't beaten to death.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
wtf Sega? make a Jet Set Radio 3 for Christ sake. At least that series isn't beaten to death.

I love how you can judge a game without seeing any gameplay SuperShyGuy.
Besides, if SEGA can't even get their #1 franchise right... no chance in hell could they make another JSR game without ruining that franchise too.

( Edited 26.05.2010 18:37 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I quite enjoyed the storybook series games, they weren't nothing as spectacular as.. let's say, Sonic Adventure 1 or 2, but I didn't think they completely sucked. Unleashed was alright too, I didn't find many problems with it and I thought the Werehog was a pretty interesting new approach to Sonic. (Even if so many people bitched about it)

The one 3D Sonic game I didn't really like was Sonic Heroes. The reason for this is that it tried to be like Adventure 2 in so many ways.. and it pretty much failed at doing so. Interesting approach, not so good game. (IMO)

SuperLink said:
SuperShyGuy62 said:
wtf Sega? make a Jet Set Radio 3 for Christ sake. At least that series isn't beaten to death.

I love how you can judge a game without seeing any gameplay SuperShyGuy.
Besides, if SEGA can't even get their #1 franchise right... no chance in hell could they make another JSR game without ruining that franchise too.

Well i'd rather see JSR 3 than this...

We have had just too much Sonic over the years, don't get me wrong, ive owned a lot of Sonic games over the years, but as the years go on i am starting to have to play catch up, Sonic and the Black Knight, Chronicals and a few other games have slipped past me, more worrying this means that SEGA arent putting 100% into Sonic 4!

White Ranger said:
We have had just too much Sonic over the years, don't get me wrong, ive owned a lot of Sonic games over the years, but as the years go on i am starting to have to play catch up, Sonic and the Black Knight, Chronicals and a few other games have slipped past me, more worrying this means that SEGA arent putting 100% into Sonic 4!

We've also had a load of Mario games recently. If SEGA actually try this time (and from Sonic 4, things might finally be looking up for him), then why not have another try at 3D Sonic?

Black Knight and Chronicles slipped you by, you're really not missing much.

And I dunno if you missed the previous announcement, but SEGA delayed Sonic 4 about 5 months to make improvements to it. They haven't delayed a Sonic game for improvement reasons since well... forever.
It's clear as day that they're being completely serious about Sonic 4, so just have a bit of optimism in this too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
SuperShyGuy62 said:
wtf Sega? make a Jet Set Radio 3 for Christ sake. At least that series isn't beaten to death.

I love how you can judge a game without seeing any gameplay SuperShyGuy.
Besides, if SEGA can't even get their #1 franchise right... no chance in hell could they make another JSR game without ruining that franchise too.

True... look what they did to NiGHTS... T_T

Well, I guess I'll reserve judgment of this until we know more. Not been excited about a Sonic game since Sonic and the Secret Rings though and since I hated that, I'm not gonna get my hopes up again. Smilie

Hmmm...No Chao? Not interested.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

im already looking forward to this, always do when a new sonic game is released though

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