Nintendo DS sees Another Fire Emblem Remake

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.05.2010 12

Nintendo DS sees Another Fire Emblem Remake on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The DS seems to be home to remakes for Nintendo's Fire Emblem series, with a remake of Mystery of the Emblem on the way.

The 1994 game was originally released on Nintendo's SNES, only in Japan, and now it looks to be seeing a remake on the dual screened portable. It's not certain though whether it'll see a Western release, but it is likely given that previous DS Fire Emblem remake, Shadow Dragon, snuck past Japanese borders.

Not much else is known, except for a short announcement trailer:

Box art for Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow
Also known as

Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo - Hikari to Kage no Eiyū


Intelligent Systems







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (1 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I've only played 2 SE games: Dawn of Radiance and Shadow Dragon. I liked the Wii version so much better. The DS game was pretty bad story-wise.

Our member of the week

The 1994 Fire Emblem was already a remake of the first Famicom title + a complete new story.

Considering the Famicom (and thus the first half of Monshô no Nazo, the 1994 remake) was already remade for the DS in Shadow Dragon, my guess is that this new remake will only be the second half of Monsho no Nazo (plus some new additions to the plot like they did with Shadow Dragon)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

This pleases me. I'd rather see a new game, but I'm always happy about Fire Emblem. Smilie

I hope it gets an English release, Fire Emblem is one of the best series ever.

I'll definitely be purchasing this game when it makes it way over here... but you know what would be great? Releasing the originals on the VC. I don't care about paying an extra dollar for the "import". I'd even pay $8 total if they translated the NES game into english. Same goes for the SNES games in the series. Or how about a release for Famicom Wars?

Magna (guest) 25.05.2010#6

2 years for another remake... a remake which was milked into 2 diferent games when back in the NES, FE3 was one game only...
I really hope they're making something big beside these remakes. An entirely new game or a super wii version of Seisen no Keifu and Thracia 776. Otherwise it seems to me that the series is dying.

Justin (guest) 25.05.2010#7

So many remakes so little time. What's the point? Why not focus ur energy on a Wii game or 3DS game? I dont see any point in rehashing an inferior game into a DS game, who will be buying this?

Justin (guest) said:
So many remakes so little time. What's the point? Why not focus ur energy on a Wii game or 3DS game? I dont see any point in rehashing an inferior game into a DS game, who will be buying this?

I will, because as long as the gameplay is intact it will be anything but an inferior game.

They certainly could do better -- remakes aren't exactly the most exciting thing in the world by any means. But considering that these games never came West, its not like we're getting a game we've already played.

Wile I would honestly prefer a new game, I have yet to play these original games so these remakes are good. Can't wait!

X_@ (guest) 26.05.2010#10

Question: Will they ever make another game on the Wii?

I still havnt played the Wii Fire Emblem yet and still have yet to pick up Shadow Dragon, but i loved the 2 GBA games to bits! I never really got into Path of Radiance on the GC, barely played it.

I think the games would suit a sorta DSi Ware re-release if there was going to be remakes, i'd much more prefer a portable version than a console version...(not that i have a DSi though)

My sisters (age 17 and 19 I think) are playing the GameCube one, Path of Radiance. They like it because it has a good story and nice characters. They would be bored to death with Shadow Dragon...

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