Super Mario Galaxy 2 Launch Trailer and OST

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2010 15

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Launch Trailer and OST on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's time to put everything else to one side - Mario has brought his galaxy-hopping antics to planet Earth.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 takes off in North America first, with eager fans finally able to buy and play their way through 120 stars of pure platforming heaven as Nintendo's beloved mascot Mario and his prehistoric chum Yoshi.

Japan follows shortly after on May 27th, with Europe taking on Mario from June 11th. Last, but by no means least, Australia. Folks down-under don't have too long to wait, as the plumber will do the rounds on July 1st.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 has a fantastic soundtrack that can now grace your ears online, with a page setup by composer Mahito Yokota (or someone going by his name).

Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST - Title Screen

  • Mario Galaxy 2 soundtrack on YouTube
  • Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





    3D Platformer



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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1048 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Jax (guest) 24.05.2010#1

    Wonderful musicSmilieSmilieSmilie

    I've listened to most of the tracks on YouTube, and they've done nothing but make me even more excited for the game, which lucky Americans are playing already... Such a fantastic soundtrack. I don't know if it 1-Ups SMG1's soundtrack, but it definitely made a hell of a good try at it.

    Personally I honestly don't believe that YouTube Channel is official, it's probably just someone using the composer's name.

    ( Edited 23.05.2010 19:10 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    A superb soundtrack to go with a superb looking game.

    My favourites

    Only 19 days left, till what looks like one of the greatest games in history. I'm so stoked for it right now and I've become a bit hyperactive over it and obsessed.

    Guest 24.05.2010#4

    Meh, Mario doesn't need music really. It's still as fantastic without it.
    Mario is all about the amazing gameplay, tight controls and polished graphics.

    .Bart. said:
    Meh, Mario doesn't need music really. It's still as fantastic without it.
    Mario is all about the amazing gameplay, tight controls and polished graphics.

    What are you talking about? Mario doesn't need graphics, all it needs is good gameplay.

    That's it. You must be CRAZY or something for thinking Mario needs graphics. SmilieSmilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
    Guest 24.05.2010#6

    Oh no it needs graphics, how else would you make a game like Galaxy? You can't simulate the walking around a planet gameplay without graphics. That's quite obvious really. Smilie

    Music though, it's a nice extra and I appreciate it's there. But unmissable? No.

    Vent (guest) 24.05.2010#7

    Love the music, I wish Zelda felt this epic?!! �_�

    Not long now fellow Europeople, can't wait - definitely day ONE pour moi. Glad they kept the high quality sounds from the original, with a few remixes in for good measure. That said, not all of the tunes needed to be ochestrated/operatic.

    Real instruments and more appropriate tunes in some situations (I really didn't like the final boss music in Galaxy 1 - way to OTT) could work as well.

    Anyways it's looking fab! Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Sucks for the Aussies, us too in a way. Smilie

    Can't wait the hear the music, the only tracks I've heard are the ones in the trailers, so I'll be going in fresh. Smilie


    Would it be controversial if I said I much preferred SM64 to Galaxy?
    the whole space thing didnt do it for me, or perhaps I have gone off platformersSmilie

    Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
    PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
    Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

    Sherwiinator said:
    Would it be controversial if I said I much preferred SM64 to Galaxy?
    the whole space thing didnt do it for me, or perhaps I have gone off platformersSmilie

    No it wouldn't be, people have different opinions about everything. Also, welcome to Cubed3. It's nice to see some new faces around here.

    My self imposed ban on watching anything SMG2 is largely successful and I only know the odd snippet of info (like his special abilities). I want to play this game so much and can't wait for all it's little gameplay suprises.

    It looks like it'll overtake the first SMG on to become the second highest scoring game of all time (after OOT). It's not far behind it!

    Justin (guest) 25.05.2010#14

    Sherwiinator said:
    Would it be controversial if I said I much preferred SM64 to Galaxy?
    the whole space thing didnt do it for me, or perhaps I have gone off platformersSmilie

    Just try the game?1Smilie

    htdf (guest) 30.05.2010#15


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