Spidey Goes Noir in New Trailer for Shattered Dimensions

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.05.2010 1

Spidey Goes Noir in New Trailer for Shattered Dimensions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Everyone's favourite web-slinger leaps back into the gaming world, bringing with him like-minded Spider-man from different dimensions.

Reality, as you can expect, is being viciously ripped apart and so it's up to Peter Parker and his parallel chums to capture pieces of the Tablet of Order and Chaos in order to patch things up and save the day. You'll be encountering the world's deadliest hunter Kraven and the firmer Hammerhead, as well as a whole host of alternate-reality baddies.

One of the Spider-men will be a noir version, set way back in the 1930s - a darker, stealthier chap who looks ever-so-slightly bad arse.

Box art for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions








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Methinks somebody played Arkham Asylum...

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