Miyamoto on Galaxy 2, Zelda and more

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2010 33

Miyamoto on Galaxy 2, Zelda and more on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shigeru Miyamoto continues his interview rounds by speaking to German site GamingMedia on Zelda, Mario Galaxy 2, and the original Donkey Kong.

Back in March the Nintendo game designer spoke on various key projects, and the resulting footage has now popped online. If you happen to speak German, then the following video interview with Shigeru Miyamoto might be of interest:

Zelda Wii

  • The image shown at last year's E3 plays an important role in the plot (that the game includes Link, perhaps? - ed).
  • Normally the team creates the video sequences, and these are expanded. However this time round they started with the game structure, and then worked on the video sequences. Nintendo will publish a lot closer to the game's completion.
  • "For us, it is important to the to optimize gameplay and make the controls easier. We do our best to make the controls player friendly, since ‘Zelda’ has become complicated".

On whether producing both hardware/software affects development for Nintendo

  • "We are already thinking in the design of the hardware out, which game we want to develop for it. This is obviously an advantage for us. On the other hand we have to produce our games, before the hardware is finished. This is a disadvantage for us. Our position is on the one hand advantageous, on the other advantageous".
  • The goal for Nintendo is to make hardware more flexible for the future for more games. If this concept is "correctly understood and implemented seriously by third-parties, then the end product quality is as high as our products and player-friendly".

On Nintendo's past... the playing cards and being unique

  • "Mr. Yamauchi, the former president has long worked in the entertainment industry and taught us a lot. He wanted us always to focus on entertainment in this industry and to seek a unique monopoly position. A monopoly sounds real dangerous, but in the entertainment branch it is important that a company creates something unique. Hence we must produce something that does is not offered by any other company."
  • "If you ask consumers what they want, they call features that others have. But in reality, they want get presented by the developers with new functions which the others have not produced. Therefore, it is our task to design something that which we meet the unconscious desires of consumers."

Miyamoto on the original "Jumpman" and Donkey Kong arcade game

  • "At that time I did not realize how important that was. I am of the opinion that pressure leads to nothing. You have to think in any situation, whether one can create something new. I set myself no goal but rather to go step by step. So I’m not afraid, even if I may not reach the goal. At that time I did not feel the gravity of the situation."
  • "I never would have thought it would achieve that success. I see very often the old versions of ‘Donkey Kong’ in the U.S. or at shows like E3, and old games/technology we don’t even have not in the company any longer. It gives me great joy."

Miyamoto putting fruit in his mouth: personal experiences in Galaxy 2

  • “Right, I’ve never been in space. But this time Yoshi puts fruit in the mouth and pulls the fruit from the ground, which is still stuck. And how this pull feels, I know from personal experience."
  • "What I experience in daily life, I bring it into the game. Yoshi is easy or difficult to control, but I want the players to try it. If successful, this is a great feeling. In action games that’s what’s fun. I challenge the players."

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





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knighty said:
I'm not saying it has to be even a 100th of the size of Oblivion. That's not the kind of game Zelda is. I'd agree it was a detriment. My original point was just that, even if the world isn't chock full of stuff to do, if it's at least beautiful to look at while you're meandering through it's better than nothing. I mean, that's why people like walking in real life isn't it? Smilie

Oh yeah, but I don't think Zelda will look as nice as Oblivion... atleast not unless they make an awesome unique visual style for it. I really hope they do.

But I personally would much rather have a small Zelda world filled with goodies and hidden weapons and sidequests and mystery than a huge pretty Oblivion style world ._.

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Oh how will we feel after Nintendo debuts Zelda Wii?

Instead of looking to Oblivion, I'd take cues from Rockstar. Have you seen the world in Red Dead Redemption?

Maybe Nintendo need to decide on the focus of the game. Is this a free roaming action game, is it a puzzle action game, or an RPG? Mixing them all in is fine, but you know what they say about Jacks of all trades.

Maybe make the overworld smaller and more concentrated, and try to remove the choke points and arbitrary entrances that were a part of OoT and (I think) TP, where if you wanted to enter Hyrule town you had to run into it, the game fades to black, and then you appear inside the town. It makes the game feel disjointed, with areas being separated from each other.

The game could do with more side quests, especially story focused ones and not just fetch quests.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.
Barry (guest) 18.05.2010#29

Just make sure the hidden cave I battled my way through isn't all just to get a large 200 rupee that won't fit in my wallet. I want some battles the happen at random on the overworld, at some Monster Hunter style quests.

Barry (guest) said:
Just make sure the hidden cave I battled my way through isn't all just to get a large 200 rupee that won't fit in my wallet. I want some battles the happen at random on the overworld, at some Monster Hunter style quests.
I hated and despised it when they rewarded me with Rupees. It might be worse than in what you got for collecting all the 150 PKMN in B/R: a compliment from dr. Oak! :-x

Most Zeldas have too many rupees and not enough ways to spend it. At least Phantom Hourglass let you spend it on boat parts (I haven't played ST yet).

Sadly, no matter what we say here, the game is probably pretty much done. We can only hope that they made some right decisions. Zelda games used to be something incredibly special, not merely entertaining...

Darkflame said:umm...you dont sound like you have played zelda much from that :-/

Theres normaly some puzzle or gimick involved with getting a chest in the landscape. Its those little puzzles that make it worth it.
They arnt just slapped in caves.
Those chests then either have a heart piece, or some money.

Aside from that theres also quite a few minigames (more in TP then any other game thus far), the odd "unique" bit to find (like infinite dungeon), and normaly 1 or two collectables.
(ie, the soul's to rip from peoples hearts as a worf, or the insects to find).

Well I have played pretty much every Zelda, and sure - they're not "slapped in caves", but generally they seem that way - a few enemies or a puzzle, great.

There's nothing wrong with hidden locations, especially the feeling you get when finding them, but the overworld itself in Zelda games imo is generally boring. And with TP it is trees, trees and more trees. Sure it looks nice, but it's a waste of a landscape to not really put much in it, besides the hidden caves and areas.

As I said - there should be more residents, more life, and especially after TP - better mini games. The mini games in TP were lacking imo.

So... okay then - in a game like TP and aside from the hidden areas, what is there to see and do ASIDE from the main towns?
Ride a horse and slash a few moblins - it's boring, simple as.

Zelda needs a shake up imo - this whole 3/3 towns, with the same names, and just having to visit those areas is so tired. I love the dungeons, but Zelda should be more than just key, item, boss, key item, boss, key item, boss, grandpa Ganondorf.

More side quests, better characters and less predictable game structure = better. IMO. Link/player barely forms any relationships, TP did it to an extent but it was really pretty much surface deep.

Ocarina sort of did it with Saria, but again it was more of a way to skin a hints system. Majora tried it, but still - the game does need to surprise more.

If I ever hear "we must collect 3 gems" again I think I'll just give up.

( Edited 18.05.2010 13:49 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Link/player barely forms any relationships, TP did it to an extent but it was really pretty much surface deep.

This is true, I think Link was insanely shallow in TP, he barely felt important at all, infact the only character anyone really gave two shits about was Midna, and her character development was forced, she was with you through the whole thing after all.

Especially Link and Zelda, they were only in the plot because they're series mainstays. Link is a soulless avatar in TP, a catalyst for the game's events, when really they'd play out mostly the same if Midna was the protagonist instead.

Ocarina sort of did it with Saria, but again it was more of a way to skin a hints system. Majora tried it, but still - the game does need to surprise more.

Majora tried and succeeded more than any other game in gaming history has if you ask me.

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SuperLink said:
"For us, it is important to the to optimize gameplay and make the controls easier. We do our best to make the controls player friendly, since ‘Zelda’ has become complicated".

.....Oh dear. Smilie Zelda, complicated? Please tell me you're joking Miyamoto, any more simple and it'll be "My First Wii Zelda!"

Now I'm a little wary about the E3 reveal... I hope Aonuma has had more involvement in it this time around.

I wouldn't think much into it until more is revealed. "Complicated" is a pretty ambiguous term. My first thought was that he was referring to the addition of MotionPlus.

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