Pokémon Sunday's New Pokémon Black/White Footage

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 16.05.2010 19

Pokémon Sunday

This morning's instalment of Pokémon Sunday has shown a few clips of the new titles, including some lovely battle footage; with our favourite cast of crazy happy Japanese hosts screaming and shouting over the music. Don't worry, we'll hear it eventually...

This first video uses the Event Battle against "Zoroark" as an example, in which Zoroark transforms into Entei using his Illusion Ability. Unlike Ditto or Mew, he keeps his type and moves while transformed, and after being weakened enough he changes back, giving the player a chance to catch him.

This second video contains the Pokémon Sunday reveal of the new Starters that were leaked from CoroCoro a few days ago, Tsutaja the Grass Snake, Pokabu the Fire Pig, and Mijumaru the Water Otter; though these names will likely be changed for the inevitable localisation. It also shows some footage of the starters battling each other, followed by some footage of the male protagonist walking through a very bustling City area. NPCs sometimes talk to the player without the player pressing the A button.

As is evident from the videos, the battle aesthetic has been shaken up completely. Now rather than static sprites, we have constant, smooth sprite animation, as well as a camera that zooms in and out during certain attacks. How the battles will be affected gameplay wise is currently unknown, but be sure to stick with C3 for future updates.

Pokémon Black and White Versions are set for Japanese release on DS this Autumn, with a localisation most likely in early 2011.

In the meantime, what do you think of the changes we've seen so far? Do they surprise or impress you? Express your thoughts below...

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

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Turn Based RPG



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the battle animations are good,but the starters aren't.
why don`t they just make us choose from the 1st gen starters �_�

( Edited 16.05.2010 13:21 by ashraf_2003 )

PlainGameX (guest) 16.05.2010#2

Love it. Can't wait. This is better than sex with 3 beautiful big breasted blondes!!! <-- 3 Exlaimation marks for each 1! Anyways the starters look great better then starters at a Chinese Takeout. YEAH! I want to play as that weird fire pig I will call him BBQRasher LOL!Smilie

ashraf_2003 said:
the battle animations are good,but the starters aren't.
why don`t they just make us choose from the 1st gen starters �_�

Because that would defeat the purpose of starting in a new region with new Pokémon, if you want the Gen1 starters you can trade them from another game. Besides, not everyone likes the 1st gen starters. I personally think these are brilliant.

I found this footage positively mind blowing.

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Atilla (guest) 16.05.2010#4

am i the only one that finds it strange that the grass SNAKE pokemon has feet? i mean are the purposefully testing the stupidity of their target demographic, or are they just careless with their jobs? seems to like they have given up , and are just drawing squiggles and branding them as animals... i mean the sea otter looks nothing like an otter ? and a fire pig ? Smilie

Atilla (guest) said:
am i the only one that finds it strange that the grass SNAKE pokemon has feet? i mean are the purposefully testing the stupidity of their target demographic, or are they just careless with their jobs? seems to like they have given up , and are just drawing squiggles and branding them as animals... i mean the sea otter looks nothing like an otter ? and a fire pig ? Smilie

Well it's 'Pocket Monsters', not 'Pocket Animals'. If they looked identical to their animal counterparts, there wouldn't really be any novelty or imagination to them, would there? Smilie

Seriously, why is everyone so intent on picking out ANY flaws they can with Pokémon now days? -__- Most of the things people are whining about are incredibly petty.

( Edited 16.05.2010 16:13 by Ikana )

Ikana said:
Well it's 'Pocket Monsters', not 'Pocket Animals'. If they looked identical to their animal counterparts, there wouldn't really be any novelty or imagination to them, would there? Smilie

Exactly, there are some bloody ridiculous designs in first gen and noone complained back then. Bulbasaur is a really fat dinosaur who walks on all fours and has a plant growing out of him.

And a turtle evolving into a tortoise? What the fuck is with that? A spider with only six legs? Fucking hell.
Oh and guess what? Pikachu looks and acts NOTHING like a mouse. Crazy right?

Seriously, why is everyone so intent on picking out ANY flaws they can with Pokémon now days? -__- Most of the things people are whining about are incredibly petty.

This a million times over.

Image for

( Edited 16.05.2010 16:21 by SuperLink )

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I didn't expect the battle animations to be like this, it looks great. Makes the Pokémons more living. But the new Pokémon starters blow my mind, holy fail... The game itself doesn't look that bad, but I'll stick to Pokémon HeartGold.

Again I say, it fills me with glee...as long as the animations aren't purely idle animations.

The starters look pretty nice so far and the shujinko look pretty alright as well.

Even Pokemon Hitler approves. Smilie

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Sky (guest) 17.05.2010#9

omg tht game looks bloody good. I under stand da Japanese words of those new pokemon types.Smilie

Ash (guest) 17.05.2010#10

Love it. Can't wait. This is better than sex with 3 beautiful big breasted blondes!!!

Have you ever had sex with these girls? doubt it!
I think HeartGold looks better tbh.

And stop dissin the first gen pokemon, they are what started the whole franchise, if they were a fail there would be no pokemon today. Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander I Love You Guys

Ash (guest) said:

I think HeartGold looks better tbh.

Rofl. You're joking right? Take off your nostalgia goggles for a sec.

And stop dissin the first gen pokemon, they are what started the whole franchise, if they were a fail there would be no pokemon today. Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander I Love You Guys

Please, Pokémon's success was carried on Pikachu for the first 5 or so years of its life, the other Pokémon only mattered to the people who actually cared about the series.

I'll diss the first gen Pokémon as much as I like; they really weren't all that amazing. You were just a kid when they came out. The new Pokémon are brilliant too, just give them a chance without comparing them to the "golden age" of your childhood, and you'll see they're really quite good too.

I'll say it again. Seel? Really?

Wow I can't believe how much hate the new games still get, I thought everyone had gotten over that in Gen IV.

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Ash (guest) said:
Love it. Can't wait. This is better than sex with 3 beautiful big breasted blondes!!!

Have you ever had sex with these girls? doubt it!

1) You said the same shit before, idjit.
2) Bet you never even got to first base, let alone outside your basement.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Atilla (guest) 17.05.2010#13

yes although imagination is key and although it is not 'pocket animals' (thank you for pointing that out) i feel a snake with legs isnt very imaginative? more kind of a cop out.. i mean yeah the original 1st gen might have been farfetch'd ( GET IT Smilie ) but the designs were based around animals, with slight tweaks to make them interesting and odd.. dont get me wrong im a big fan of the pokemon franchise, just merely saying that to me they could have done a lot more with this new gen , seems a little half baked atm.. they added moving sprites and lowered the camera angle.. revolutionary ! but we shall see just how good they turn out i guess..

Atilla (guest) said:
yes although imagination is key and although it is not 'pocket animals' (thank you for pointing that out) i feel a snake with legs isnt very imaginative? more kind of a cop out.. i mean yeah the original 1st gen might have been farfetch'd ( GET IT Smilie ) but the designs were based around animals, with slight tweaks to make them interesting and odd.

There were also crazy Pokémon like Ditto, Voltorb, Electabuzz, Pinsir, Lapras, Clefairy, Pikachu looks nothing like a mouse, I could go on and on, but Pokémon is no stranger to very weird but also cheap designs. A cop out? A seal with a horn on its head is much more of a cop out than a snake with legs, its evolutions could be amazing too.

And there are still Pokémon very much based on animals. Chatot, Buneary, Buizel, not to mention the Water Otter has the clam and everything, just like the popular otter they use in a lot of Japanese games. It's quite a bit of an animal Smilie

I say give them a chance, Pokémon design really hasn't changed very much at all.

"Could have done a lot more with this new gen"?

Well you sound like you know quite a lot about it don't you! Besides the few seconds of footage and almost no info. What makes you think you know all they have to show off already?

( Edited 16.05.2010 23:53 by SuperLink )

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Atilla (guest) said:
am i the only one that finds it strange that the grass SNAKE pokemon has feet? i mean are the purposefully testing the stupidity of their target demographic, or are they just careless with their jobs? seems to like they have given up , and are just drawing squiggles and branding them as animals... i mean the sea otter looks nothing like an otter ? and a fire pig ? Smilie

Some snakes had legs once... Smilie


I like the new starters. Anyone notice how they're all strongly two-toned? Maybe they'll have two types from the first evolution this time around. Probably not, just thought I'd add two cents.

NNID: crackedthesky
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chinobitch (guest) 19.05.2010#17

fucking chinese bitches always get all the fucking games firts bitches:-x

wolvesgod (guest) 21.05.2010#18

LOL, I just realized something. Tsutaja is a "grass snake" type correct? Well sometimes people will call Gardner snakes Grass snakes. I think the Gardner Snake is where they got the idea as well, the are both green.

I like the grass starter the most. the pig looks like he will be a big tough guy when he fully evolves and might look like Ganon and have huge tusks, most likely, and the seal really doesn't look much like someone i'll choose.

I like the battle scenes too they look awesome. I wonder what the legendary pokemon will look like, and what style the legendaries will be taking (birds, dogs, elemental (rock, steel, and ice) ext,)

sarah (guest) 31.08.2011#19

lol i fartedSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie ahhhhhhhhhh ninjaSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

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