Mass Marketing Campaign for Super Mario Galaxy 2

By 14.05.2010 7

Mass Marketing Campaign for Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's less than month till Super Mario Galaxy 2 finally hits stores across Europe. Those lucky Americans will be playing it in just over a weeks time though. With less then four weeks to go for Europe, Robert Lowe, from Nintendo UK has discussed their marketing plan for the game.

Nintendo UK Marketing Manager, Robert Lowe said “Galaxy 2 is the biggest launch of the year on Wii and this is reflected in the campaign we’ve put behind it”. He also feels the Nintendo EAD team "have managed to improve on a virtually flawless predecessor." The plan will include cinema trailers, TV advertisements and promotion through retail and online gaming websites.

- A 60-second trailer will be shown in cinemas nationwide during the run-up to the game’s release. These will run before some of this summer’s biggest family films.

- A pre-launch campaign will also take over all major gaming sites, with creative targeted at both long-time gamers and loyal Mario fans.

- A massive three-week TV campaign will kick off from Galaxy 2’s launch week, with advertisements running on key terrestrial and satellite channels.

- This will be accompanied by a separate ad campaign targeted specifically at children’s programming, raising awareness among young gamers as the summer holidays approach.

- A second burst of TV advertising will run throughout July to maintain awareness of Super Mario Galaxy 2’s release.

- A huge range of POS will be available to retailers, utilising the eye-catching artwork and familiar character to showcase some of Galaxy 2’s key features.

Thanks to MCV

Are you glad Super Mario Galaxy 2 will get extensive marketing or would you rather Nintendo focus it more on their less popular titles?

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





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Good move, perhaps a bit too much though - the game will sell, even with a few adverts here and there. Though great to see more marketing from Nintendo, would do better spent on the lesser known games/third party games they might publish.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm not sure Mario needs it, but it could help Make it an even bigger seller than the first game. Smilie

I think after pretty big failings with Monster Hunter Tri and Sin and Punishment 2 they'd be wanting to get one of their 'proper' games to sell well. The Wii needs to better establish itself as a gaming platform, not just a lifestyle system - we've been inundated with lifestyle titles for the last few months. Hence the big push.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Monster Hunter Tri didn't fail, Capcom said it had good sales.

( Edited 14.05.2010 18:06 by L )

L said:
Monster Hunter Tri didn't fail, Capcom said it had good sales.

Lies. It got to number five which is bloody good, but then totally disappeared and Sin and Punishment never got in the top 20. Considering that Tri was advertised a huge amount, for it to have one week of sales success before bombing...that's poor. Apparently it did similar things elsewhere in Europe.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Alright I thought you meant the game was a failure worldwide.
But from what your saying it does sound like it did pretty badly for such a hyped game in Europe. Hopefully it'll have long legs and sell an average amount weekly at a constant rate.

And to think that Nintendo had'nt even heard of marketing until a couple of years ago!

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