Iwata Says Nintendo DS Needs a 'Hit Title'

By 10.05.2010 19

Iwata Says Nintendo DS Needs a

It seems that there are a number of different reasons for declining sales of DS hardware, in Europe. Originally Satoru Iwata blamed piracy for the drop in sales, but he's also said competition from Apple and a lack of big hit titles for the system could be a problem, as well.

Speaking in Nintendo's recent financial briefing, Satoru Iwata also said that it was also a problem for the Wii, with a lack of big games this year. He also spoke about competing systems and said that the PS3 has had increased sales due to big multiplatform titles hitting the system.

Also similar to the US, 2010 has not seen a strong software lineup thus far for the Wii platform, while big titles were launched for other companies' platforms one after another.

In the US, Xbox 360 has been keeping the lead over PS3 this year. In Europe, on the other hand, while Xbox 360 was showing the decline, PS3 has shown increase since the fall of 2009. It appears that the benefit of third party publishers' big multiplatform titles has been mainly contributing to PS3.

On the other hand, the sales of Nintendo DS hardware in Europe are showing a year-on-year decrease, unlike the United States market. While Wii has been embracing big hit titles since the latter half of 2009, not many strong titles to significantly drive hardware sales have been launched for Nintendo DS for a while.

So, we recognise that we are coming to the stage where we need to offer a hit title that can gain social phenomena and catch our customers' attentions.

Do you feel the DS needs a hit title to improve system sales in Europe?

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not really, i mean we've been getting "bit hit titles" in europe as much as anywhere else, true atm only real big thing is Pokemon, but the problem with games in general these days is they cost just too much needlessly. For example: Sonic all star racing, released here for something around �£25 for wii, it got popular, so now it's up to a common �£35-�£40, now noones buying it because its too much.

Pokémon Black & White will qualm your fears, dun' w'ry Iwata-kun.

I don't think Mario and Zelda will appear on the DS again, but it's definitely got some big hitters in the form of Golden Sun, Okamiden and Golden Sun DS.

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I say - DS Porno put that stylist down and actually PLAY Smilie

But Pokemon IS the only semi-hit title, the rest are very blah

I'm sorry the service you'd requested is unavailible Now say Hello to Bobby

SuperLink said:form of Golden Sun, Okamiden and Golden Sun DS.

Golden Sun, so good it counts twice Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Pokémon Black & White will qualm your fears, dun' w'ry Iwata-kun.

I don't think Mario and Zelda will appear on the DS again, but it's definitely got some big hitters in the form of Golden Sun, Okamiden and Golden Sun DS.

But we have had SO much pokemon already. We could do without more RPG's, there's far too many on the DS. The only game I'm looking forward to is Okamiden, and nothing has been heard about that for some time bar some interviews.

Other than that, there is jack all. DS is Dying, nuff said.

Darkflame said:
Golden Sun, so good it counts twice Smilie

Damn right it does!

Echoes221 said:
But we have had SO much pokemon already. We could do without more RPG's, there's far too many on the DS. The only game I'm looking forward to is Okamiden, and nothing has been heard about that for some time bar some interviews.

Other than that, there is jack all. DS is Dying, nuff said.

Iwata wants a game that will sell, and that game is Pokémon, whether people like it or not, it's going to make some huge bucks.

Don't forget Layton though, those sell pretty nicely.

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Bringing Nostalgia over to Europe couldn't hurt. Smilie

Shenmue fan 1 (guest) 10.05.2010#8

Nintendo needs to bring (last window midnight promise) & (Jump super stars & Ultimate stars ) starsSmilie

Echoes221 said:

Other than that, there is jack all. DS is Dying, nuff said.

umm...except for 4 more Layton games and a co-produced Studio Ghibli game. (which given its the first time they have been seriously involved with a game will be HUGE, at least in Japan). Not to mention its supposed to be getting the biggest card of any DS game.

Dementium II,The Sims 3 and ScribbleNaughts2 are probably on many peoples wanted lists too.
Personally I think "Ghost Trick" is another game worth keeping an eye on.

oh, and theres also supposed to be a Duke Nukem game for the DS, but not sure that can be counted on.

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Darkflame said:
umm...except for 4 more Layton games and a co-produced Studio Ghibli game. (which given its the first time they have been seriously involved with a game will be HUGE, at least in Japan). Not to mention its supposed to be getting the biggest card of any DS game.

I'm genuinely worried that most of those Layton games will never be localised. Think about it, the DS will be long dead if the Layton games continue to be released at this snail-pace.

Dementium II,The Sims 3 and ScribbleNaughts2 are probably on many peoples wanted lists too.
Personally I think "Ghost Trick" is another game worth keeping an eye on.

Oh fuck, I completely forgot about Ghost Trick! Smilie Scribblies 2 should be great aswell.
Unfortunately none of those titles are huge sellers (except Sims 3, which will be crap anyway)

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Duke Nukem game for the DS

lul poor Duke Nukem Smilie

4 more Layton games

Brilliant the first time round, lost it's appeal the second time for me somehow Smilie

Studio Ghibli game

Not that I don't like this or anything, but to re-iterate my first post "We could do without more RPG's", I really don't like that genre that much. Want to see more of Ni No Kuni though, Ghibli should make it something special.

The Sims 3 and ScribbleNaughts2

Sims died when they did number 2, The best was always the original, and thats quite hard to deny. Didn't enjoy the first scribblenaughts that much. Don't get me wrong, it was an awesome concept, but the execution was a bit off/repetitive.


True that pokemon will sell, again, it's an RPG, is there anything new other than RPG's that's coming to the DS? It's time for a change in my opinion and fresh iterations of everyone's favourites.

I'm looking forward to Last Window, I enjoyed Hotel Dusk immensely.

Yeah, I know, I sound like I don't like anything (Haters gonna hate), just there doesn't seem to be that much that interests me on the DS. The last game I bought was Spirit Tracks and I haven't even completed that quite yet. Before that the last game I bought was FSR because I got it free with Little Kings Story (Awesome). Just feels like the games that I love have dried up, not just in the UK, but Japanese titles too Smilie

Off the top of my head then.

-Warioware just came out (AAI came out recently too)
-4 more Layton games
-Scribblenauts 2
-Ghost Trick
-Dementium II (I don't even know what that is)
-Tiny chance Chibi-Robo 3 could get localised I guess

If you want first party Nintendo games all you're gonna get is Pokémon and Golden Sun, but there are still plenty of amazing looking 3rd party offerings on the way. And this is only what we know, I bet E3 will prove the DS still has some hard hitters on the way.

PS. I vastly preferred Layton 2 to Layton 1. The story, the puzzles, all much more involving and ingenious.

( Edited 10.05.2010 19:31 by SuperLink )

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In my opinion, if Iwata cares to stress that point, it means he already has a plan in mind to address that issue.

Otherwise i don't think he'd point a flaw in its own console's future lineup, that wouldn't be a very wise move, commercially speaking.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I bet E3 will prove the DS still has some hard hitters on the way.

Will most probably be all about 3DS and Wii.

Echoes221 said:
Will most probably be all about 3DS and Wii.

Well keep in mind what Kafei said. Nintendo aren't exactly going to ignore the DS on its last year, I reckon at least one or two big DS games will be announced, whether by Nintendo or a third party.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Echoes221 said:
Will most probably be all about 3DS and Wii.

Well keep in mind what Kafei said. Nintendo aren't exactly going to ignore the DS on its last year, I reckon at least one or two big DS games will be announced, whether by Nintendo or a third party.

Yeah true, we've heard little (i.e jack shit all) of Golden Sun 3, we will probably see a little more of Okamiden with a release date to match. And there will probably be a show stopper of some kind separate to the 3DS. I want 2D metroid god damn it.....2D metroid on 3DS=Mind Blown.

I'm genuinely worried that most of those Layton games will never be localised. Think about it, the DS will be long dead if the Layton games continue to be released at this snail-pace.

Well, they would have to speed up a little bit.
But with the huge sales they get in Europe, they will certainly come out.

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maia jones (guest) 12.05.2010#18

hey dsi has a chance to blow up big if IT keeps making games like dementium and dementium 2 I LOVE HORROR GAMES IF THE DSI KEEPS COMING up WITH GOOD HORROR GAMES IT WILL BE FINE IT also NEEDS A GOOD FIGHTING GAME and games geared towarrds adults such me

You dont sound like one.

Anyway, Obscure(something) is also coming out on the DS. I enjoyed that horror game due to its excellent co-op (although it was more B-Movie then serious horror).

Few things do serious horror though.

Penumbra on PC (Get it now for any price you want; http://www.wolfire.com/humble) is one great horror game.
Not just gore or shocks, but truly terrifying atmosphere.

( Edited 13.05.2010 13:33 by Darkflame )

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