Rumour: Second Secret Super Mario Galaxy 2 Character?

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.05.2010 12

Rumour: Second Secret Super Mario Galaxy 2 Character? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a review of Super Mario Galaxy 2 with the Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM), it's strongly hinted there will be another secret character.

The following may be considered spoilers (thanks to GoNintendo).

If true, who do you think will be the second playable character - Wario, The Chimp, Peach, your Mii?

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





3D Platformer



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I definitely won't be reading those spoilers.

I really hope the secret character is Wario. Smilie

... Fucking ONM.

They always get my hopes up, and then crush them into pieces, like with the "great secret" of NSMBW. What great secret?

There will be no other character.

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XD (guest) 10.05.2010#3

The secret character is...
...Sonic the Hedgehog!

Confirmed by Jun Suneo

JIM (guest) 10.05.2010#4

They always get my hopes up, and then crush them into pieces, like with the "great secret" of NSMBW. What great secret?

If you get 99lives.....MARIO HAS NO HAT SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Mmm, who could be the secret character?

Well that hope was short lived.

"Luigi nonchalantly turns up about 20 stars in and offers his services at random points throughout the game, which is a good thing because it means you don't have to get all 120 stars to play as him this time. What's the reward for doing so this time around? Come on, we're not telling you that!"

As you can see, we're not saying there's another playable character at all, just that the reward isn't the ability to play as Luigi.

Hope that clears things up!

Chris Scullion
Games Editor
Official Nintendo Magazine UK

Lame/no surprise pretty much confirmed then. What a waste of hopes, as always.
Fucking ONM.

( Edited 10.05.2010 17:51 by SuperLink )

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Giant (guest) 18.05.2010#8

The reward is

Peter (guest) 19.05.2010#9

Call me crazy, but I actually believe that there will be 2 secret characters, Wario and Waluigi. Wario would replace Mario's role, and Waluigi would replace Luigi's role. I mean, think about it; Wario and Luigi's adventure? Doesn't work...

er (guest) 04.06.2010#10

Giant (guest) said:
The reward is

You get that by beating a level with Luigi.

IanBoy141 (guest) 17.06.2010#11

Smilie i think i got 1 and 2 at my birthday Smilie and i can get think rosalina on mario kart wii i need he and mii outfit 2 i got the secret players on wii

zario (guest) 07.02.2011#12

It should be Waluigi or Wario.If its a knock of and not a character I hate nintendoSmilie

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