3DS: Don't Like 3D? Turn it off

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.05.2010 9

3DS: Don

Sales figures weren't the only thing mentioned in Nintendo's financial briefing this week - Satoru Iwata also talked 3DS.

The next portable from Nintendo, currently known as the "3DS", will offer stereoscopic 3D without the need for glasses, but according to the company boss it'll be an optional feature. Without giving too much away, Iwata acknowledged that some players may not want to use the feature and there might be some health side-effects, so outputting in 3D can be disabled.

More information on the 3DS will be available at E3 2010 in June.

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Our member of the week

This is clearly an indication that the 3DS will indeed use the new screens manufactured by Sharp that come with a button to turn the 3D effect without glasses on & off. And those screens offer an amazing image quality !


I wonder if they use the new Sharp technology that adds Yellow to the usual RGB used on screens. I don't think so.

( Edited 08.05.2010 10:24 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Pretty good news really, people were worried that the 3D would hurt their eyes or give them a headache, and now there's no worry for people who need to wear glasses aswell.

Can't wait to hear more about this system. Smilie

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I'm glad Nintendo have chosen to do this, since I'm still not sold on 3D technology. If they do use the rumoured screen, produced by Sharp, then there's some possible problems I've read about.

The 3D images are best viewed from 40 centimetres away, Sharp representatives said. Sitting closer or further away results in seeing two overlapping images. Faint vertical lines, a common feature of parallax visual systems, are also visible at any distance.

When I buy a 3DS, it won't be for the 3D capabilities, it will be when good games come out for it.

Paralax Barrier it is then.
Sharp had laptops using it a few years back.

I really want headtracking though Smilie

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No doubt a battery-saving option as well, given the wireless on/off feature in the DSi.

All worries erased. Awesome Smilie

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I like when you give me the choice

So this means that 3D isn't ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to play most, if not, all games, I assume. Smilie

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Hmmmmm... I guess this is good news. I can't see how this would hinder anything.

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