SEGA Bring More Arcade Shooters To Wii - Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns

By Mike Mason 07.05.2010 2

SEGA Bring More Arcade Shooters To Wii - Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Arcade shooter fans, rejoice. SEGA, after the successful releases of Ghost Squad, The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return and The House of the Dead: Overkill, have announced that they will be bringing two more of their arcade shooters to Nintendo Wii in a double pack: Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack.

The Saturn-era arcade shooters have been adapted for Wii, with special consideration for the use of the Wii Zapper. The games, unlike SEGA's other arcade shooters, take place in vehicles rather than on-foot, taking flying gunships to war with androids that are invading well-known locales such as New York City, Los Angeles, Alcatraz, Yosemite and Las Vegas.

Despite being a port, Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack also includes new features for Wii, such as a Chain Combo System for higher scores, and hidden extras to be uncovered by gaining different rankings. Do well and you could be using wide shots, rapid fire and heavy shots to your heart's content.

Check out the trailer below:

What do you think of SEGA's latest arcade port offering?

Box art for Gunblade NY & L.A. Machineguns: Rage of the Machines Arcade Hits Pack





First Person Shooter



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Our member of the week

While i don't mind the old school look, they could at least have reworked them a bit for the Wii Release.

Not everyone is as indulgent as i am when it comes to graphics in arcade-style lightgun games Smilie (House of the Dead 2 on Wii is still one of my favorite games, and yet it's one of the most ugly Smilie )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I love on-rails shooters so if this collection is released for $19.99-29.99 it will be another game to add to my collection.

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