Wii/DS Sales Down, Break New Records

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.05.2010 4

Wii/DS Sales Down, Break New Records on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's number crunching time as Nintendo has released the latest earnings report for the fiscal year ending March 2010.

Over the last fiscal year (April 2009 - March 2010):

  • Sales fell from 1,838,622 to 1,434,365 million yen
  • Operating income dropped to 356,567 million yen (35% loss).
  • Sales for the Wii dropped 21% over the previous year to a still high 20.53 million.
  • Sales for the Nintendo DS dropped 12% from 31 million to 27 million units.
  • Software sales dropped 6% from 204 million to 191 million for Wii games, with a 23% drop for DS games from 197 million to 151 million units.

The DS has also surpassed combined sales for the original Game Boy series of consoles (including colour but excluding Advance), with a healthy lifetime figure of 129 million, compared to the 118 million Game Boys making kids and adults happy over the 21 years.

The Wii is now Nintendo's strongest selling console, as one could expect, earning the top spot as top selling Nintendo console of all time with 70 million sold to date.

It wasn't all about hardware numbers, there are a handful of games that did exceptionally well over the last year - Wii Sports Resort fed off the success of the original with 16.14 million copies sold, followed by New! Super Mario Bros. Wii now proudly owned by 14.7 million Wii players and Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver doing battle with 8.4 million units sold.

More information over at Nintendo's investor relations page.

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Nintendo stated themselves that hardware sales were down last year due to not enough high-quality first party titles. So hopefully this year will be different. I'm not sure if Monster Hunter Tri did well enough to boost Wii sales (though I hear many hardcore players buying a Wii to play it), but with Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid and maybe even Zelda coming out, the Wii should have no trouble at all.

Entity (guest) 07.05.2010#2

They can't be having record sales for all eternity either. 70 mill sold so far ain't bad if you ask me. And this year is the best for games, but not everyone will get a Wii TvsC or RS2 ... Sadly

But MH3 will perhaps get some new gamers onto the Wii... And Zelda of course...

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The next 4 months should tell us if Nintendo's forecast from now to March 2011 are conservative, right on or too high. With the release of the Black Wii, several 1st party Nintendo games PLUS E3 announcements sales should pick up between the end of may and the end of august.

I really don't see this as a bad thing. Of course the sales are going to slow; most likely, everyone who wants one already has one, by now. The Wii just became the third best-selling game console of all time. And that's without the tech gimmicks the top two had; the Wii doesn't play music or DVDs, which arguably helped the sales of the PS and PS2, especially in the latter case.

But I still love hearing Xbox fanboys like a few of my friends chock it up to "people buy it because they think it's funny" or "people buy it because it's all they can afford" or "people buy it because they're retarded on mass scales." People aren't buying the Wii for its shovelware, I think this should erase any doubt that the Wii is a serious, hardcore video games console.

I think this also says something about the iPad "competition;" Apple's goal for the year is 30 million iPads. The DS makes that every year... and it came out over half a decade ago.

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