Reggie on Black Wii, Apple and Netflix

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2010 13

Reggie on Black Wii, Apple and Netflix on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime recently spoke to CNBC on the Wii and Netflix performance, going black and Apple's iPad.

Fils-Aime discusses the impact that Apple's touch products have had on Nintendo's DS, Nintendo doesn't feel that its a competitor, with sales of its own portable breaking records during the last four months of NPD data (December 2009 to March 2010). He also mentions a large number of Wii users adopting Netflix's video-on-demand service, over a million accounts using their console to stream content over the internet.

Correction: The DS broke sales records during the last four months of NPD data (December 2009 to March 2010).

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Reggie Why? (guest) 05.05.2010#1

Reggie Needs to hurry up & Bring (Last Window) & (Jump super Stars)Smilie

The iPad is doing better than I thought it would. I don't see it as a competitor either, though. It's a computing device over everything else. As for Netflix, is that even out, yet? I haven't been following it very well. The family Netflix account belongs to my sister and we only get one movie at a time, so I feel a bit intrusive asking her to sign up for the Wii disc.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Ijigo !!!!!! (guest) 05.05.2010#3

Ha Ha Reggie's Heir Is Off On The Top. Wonder Who his? barber is ? . a Microsoft worker maybe? Smilie�_�

iProducts, so cute in their attempts to compete in the gaming market.

justonesp00lturn said:
As for Netflix, is that even out, yet? I haven't been following it very well. The family Netflix account belongs to my sister and we only get one movie at a time, so I feel a bit intrusive asking her to sign up for the Wii disc.

Actually, the Wii disc comes absolutely free with a Netflix account and allows the access to instant play which is usually exclusively available to the PC. So not only do you get to watch Netflix, but you get to watch it instantly on your TV at the press of a button.


Face it Reggie, the REAL reason you brought the Black Wii here is to stop the racism!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

justonesp00lturn said:
As for Netflix, is that even out, yet? I haven't been following it very well. The family Netflix account belongs to my sister and we only get one movie at a time, so I feel a bit intrusive asking her to sign up for the Wii disc.

All it takes is one click to get a Wii Streaming Disc. The Wii Netflix disc doesn't count as one of your movies, if that is what you're worried about. You never return it - you keep it forever. You can get a disc (or several - I have two, one for each Wii) and still rent DVDs/Blu-Rays as you normally would in addition to streaming content.

( Edited 05.05.2010 03:05 by Sonic_13 )

I know that part, but I wasn't sure if streaming movies counted as a rental. How many can you do at one time, is there a limit to streams, like a daily limit or whatever? And can you stream movies while you have one out, or does the streaming affect the physical rentals? If they do, I'd feel weird asking my sister to forfeit her account in that way, haha. Does it allow you to manage the account, too? That's another thing I'd feel a bit weird about.
I'm sure she'd let me and all, I just feel bad asking her to rent movies for me when it's her account.

Edit: Okay, I went to their site and found most of these answers, but I still have a question: How is the quality? When I watch videos on Nintendo Channel, it plays about a half a second and then freezes for about fifteen seconds, then plays a few seconds, and freezes again. It's always done this, and my WiFi connection shouldn't be the problem (I don't have any other issues with it, anyway,) so do you think that'd happen with movies, too?

( Edited 05.05.2010 04:22 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
I know that part, but I wasn't sure if streaming movies counted as a rental. How many can you do at one time, is there a limit to streams, like a daily limit or whatever? And can you stream movies while you have one out, or does the streaming affect the physical rentals? If they do, I'd feel weird asking my sister to forfeit her account in that way, haha. Does it allow you to manage the account, too? That's another thing I'd feel a bit weird about.
I'm sure she'd let me and all, I just feel bad asking her to rent movies for me when it's her account.

Edit: Okay, I went to their site and found most of these answers, but I still have a question: How is the quality? When I watch videos on Nintendo Channel, it plays about a half a second and then freezes for about fifteen seconds, then plays a few seconds, and freezes again. It's always done this, and my WiFi connection shouldn't be the problem (I don't have any other issues with it, anyway,) so do you think that'd happen with movies, too?

- Streams are not counted as rentals. You can rent and stream at the same time.
- With a 1 DVD at-a-time unlimited plan, you can stream to one device at a time with unlimited streaming. (A 2DVD plan would get you 2 devices at a time, 3DVD/3 devices, etc.)
- Up to six devices can be registered with an account.
- No daily/weekly/monthly limit.
- You get separate DVD and Instant Watch Queues
- Quality is great, though it does depend somewhat on the age of the material. Older movies often don't look a nice as recent TV episodes (like LOST or Heroes) or recent movies, which are DVD quality. Of course, it depends on your connection speed too.

I can't really answer why your Nintendo channel videos don't play right. There is only one way to find out if Netflix will act the same way. If it does then it is probably a problem with your Wi-Fi (perhaps the Wii is too far away?).

There's really no reason not to try it. The disc is free. Streaming is included in the monthly fee (so really, the more you stream the more value you get) and it doesn't affect rentals of physical discs.

( Edited 05.05.2010 11:12 by Sonic_13 )

The iPad is doing better than I thought it would. I don't see it as a competitor either, though. It's a computing device over everything else.

Its a media viewing device.
Its really god-awfull as an actual computing device.
(it doesn't even have a usb slot (or SD) slot, cant multitask,cant print easily,etc)

I can picture some good games on it, but how many purely touchscreen games are there on the DS?

Lots of genre's need haptic buttons, imho.

Also, factor in quite a few of the games out for the iPad now are ports...some even of freeware games like RedAlert.

I think the appeal of the iPAD really is just media consumption though.(Books,Comics,Films).
After all, theres plenty of slate/notebooks out there that do vastely more for the same price ( They just dont look as spiffy Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

iPad is too expensive. Once it comes down in price to at least HALF it's current price... then it will still be too high. It tries to do everything and thus it's current price.

Sonic_13 said:
- Streams are not counted as rentals. You can rent and stream at the same time.
- With a 1 DVD at-a-time unlimited plan, you can stream to one device at a time with unlimited streaming. (A 2DVD plan would get you 2 devices at a time, 3DVD/3 devices, etc.)
- Up to six devices can be registered with an account.
- No daily/weekly/monthly limit.
- You get separate DVD and Instant Watch Queues
- Quality is great, though it does depend somewhat on the age of the material. Older movies often don't look a nice as recent TV episodes (like LOST or Heroes) or recent movies, which are DVD quality. Of course, it depends on your connection speed too.

I can't really answer why your Nintendo channel videos don't play right. There is only one way to find out if Netflix will act the same way. If it does then it is probably a problem with your Wi-Fi (perhaps the Wii is too far away?).

There's really no reason not to try it. The disc is free. Streaming is included in the monthly fee (so really, the more you stream the more value you get) and it doesn't affect rentals of physical discs.

Thanks, very helpful! I think I'll see if I can try this out.
Yeah, I'm really not sure what the deal with Nintendo Channel is. It's always been this way, before and after the update, and wether videos are set to high quality or normal quality. My router is in my basement and my Wii is in the room directly above it, but again, I don't have any other issues. My iPod connects to my router when I'm in my attic, so I don't think it's a router distance issue.
If I go to YouTube on internet channel, it also has many issues. Once the video loads, it'll play it just fine, but it takes forever and a day to load it, and if I try to move the video slider at all, it'll completely un-load and start all over. I don't know, haha.

Darkflame said:
The iPad is doing better than I thought it would. I don't see it as a competitor either, though. It's a computing device over everything else.

Its a media viewing device.
Its really god-awfull as an actual computing device.
(it doesn't even have a usb slot (or SD) slot, cant multitask,cant print easily,etc)

I can picture some good games on it, but how many purely touchscreen games are there on the DS?

Lots of genre's need haptic buttons, imho.

Also, factor in quite a few of the games out for the iPad now are ports...some even of freeware games like RedAlert.

I think the appeal of the iPAD really is just media consumption though.(Books,Comics,Films).
After all, theres plenty of slate/notebooks out there that do vastely more for the same price ( They just dont look as spiffy Smilie

Well-put. What I meant by computing was more internet-based computing, anyway. The iDevices aren't very good when it comes to even simple things like word processors, though the iPad's iWork or whatever seems like a decent attempt at it. Media is definitely this thing's forte, though. Media, and mobile web browsing. But it isn't ideal for games or for general computing tasks.
My hope is that the iPad does for the book industry what the iPod did for the music industry. I'm a writer, and I'd love to see people reading on mass scales, again. And especially in an incredibly environmentally friendly e-format, nonetheless.
But really, their sales aren't that impressive. Again, they've sold a million units, but 60% of that came from the first day's sales. That actually isn't that impressive at all. They sold more units the first day than in every consecutive day combined. Sounds a lot better when they just say "A million," haha.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

True, plus first day sales really are only a reflection of hype. Its the sales after people start seeing their friends/family using it that counts.

My hope is that the iPad does for the book industry what the iPod did for the music industry. I'm a writer, and I'd love to see people reading on mass scales, again. And especially in an incredibly environmentally friendly e-format, nonetheless.

Couldn't possibly agree more. (Although Id add comics to that too).
"Dead Tree Format" is dieing, but there's no reason to lose the artforms that have been created with it.
Especially as with digital distribution novels can reach a large audience and stay available forever. No out-of-print or out-of-stock. I think the system can be more democratic too. With good "people-that-like-this-also-like-this" style systems it could get a lot more democratic too. Anyone can publish and stand a chance of success.
Also, in theory, writters should be able to get higher royalties while costs for customers are lower. That just hasnt really happened yet.

Of course, their would be lovely naming irony if the printed word gets replaced by "Slate" and "Tablets" again Smilie

( Edited 06.05.2010 12:44 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

An iPad's not an e-reader, is it? I mean with e-paper.

I tried reading books on my DS, but it's terrible. Hurts my eyes.

Darkflame said:
True, plus first day sales really are only a reflection of hype. Its the sales after people start seeing their friends/family using it that counts.

My hope is that the iPad does for the book industry what the iPod did for the music industry. I'm a writer, and I'd love to see people reading on mass scales, again. And especially in an incredibly environmentally friendly e-format, nonetheless.

Couldn't possibly agree more. (Although Id add comics to that too).
"Dead Tree Format" is dieing, but there's no reason to lose the artforms that have been created with it.
Especially as with digital distribution novels can reach a large audience and stay available forever. No out-of-print or out-of-stock. I think the system can be more democratic too. With good "people-that-like-this-also-like-this" style systems it could get a lot more democratic too. Anyone can publish and stand a chance of success.
Also, in theory, writters should be able to get higher royalties while costs for customers are lower. That just hasnt really happened yet.

Of course, their would be lovely naming irony if the printed word gets replaced by "Slate" and "Tablets" again Smilie

No kidding. 8 cents per copy is some total BS. With digital, the publisher can't claim that all goes to materials, anymore.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

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