Shin'en Re-Releases Iridion Soundtrack

By Adam Riley 04.05.2010 3


For those fans of the GBA Iridion games from Shin'en Multimedia, some good news has just emerged - the team has re-released the re-arranged GBA videogame soundtrack, entitled "Iridion 3D & II Perfect Selection". Both Iridion 3D and Iridion II were met with strong commercial success, as well as great critical acclaim in the case of the sequel. However, with Majesco owning the rights to the 'Iridion' name, despite Shin'en expressing interest in making a third version, the final decision does not rest in their hands.

With this re-release of the soundtrack, perhaps renewed interest in the series will reach Majesco's ears and something will change.

Below is the tracklist for the CD, which can be downloaded from CD Baby for just US$9.99:

1.) Iridion 3D - Medley (5:28)
2.) Iridion 3D - Space Assault (3:28)
3.) Iridion 3D - Asteroid Belt (3:01)
4.) Iridion 3D - Space Station (2:34)
5.) Iridion II - See The Sun Burn (3:03)
6.) Iridion II - Spiral Bliss (3:12)
7.) Iridion II - Two Years Gone (3:06)
8.) Iridion II - Citizen Discharged (3:12)
9.) Iridion II - Aniki (3:12)
10.) Iridion II - Cold Play (3:52)
11.) Bonus Track - Cessation (2:55)
12.) Bonus Track - Accomplished Offence (1:58)

You can preview the tracks by clicking on the little play icon here:

Everything started in 1996. I had the idea of creating a horizontal shoot-em-up for my beloved Amiga computer. I felt Iridion was the perfect name for my little project. Before actually starting programming the game I wrote some music for it in the AHX music editor (programmed by Martin Wodok). Well, my game projects in this time were mostly just a pretense to write some cool game music. However, Iridion was abandoned after the first level was finished. Then, in 1999 Shin'en was founded. The idea of creating a shooter was still alive and so we did an excellent one level demo for the GBC. Anyway, after recognising that original GBC games were almost impossible to market, this project was dropped as well.

Two years later, when we got the GBA devkits, we started a last approach and finally we succeeded by developing one of the most successful original 3rd party games for the GBA. With our GAX Sound System we also created a still unrivalled soundtrack. Due to the big commercial success of the game we were able to do a successor that even exceeded the high standards we had set with Iridion 3D. In the last years we got a lot of feedback from Iridion music fans all around the globe and so I decided to create the "Iridion 3D & II Perfect Selection" Soundtrack CD.

So thanks for all your support and feedback and cheers to Bernhard, Florian & Javier at Shin'en for making Iridion come true.
- Manfred Linzner, CEO of Shin'en Multimedia, 2003.

Would you like to see Majesco give Shin'en the greenlight for an Iridion comeback, perhaps on the DSiWare or WiiWare download services?

Box art for Iridion II








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Our member of the week

Track 10 : Cold Play >>> Best track out of both games ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm gutted - my Iridion II review's all screwed up from a server crash years ago, and I don't have the original document any more Smilie That and Nanostray 2 are brilliant shmups!

EDIT: By the way, I can't seem to get that preview button working now. It was fine when I posted the story, but it's died for me...that the same with anyone else?

EDIT #2: Seems to be working now. I wonder if the website changed its code slightly? Anyway, enjoy listening to the preview folks!

( Edited 04.05.2010 12:05 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
sof (guest) 31.05.2013#3

Aniki-azuki-canyon is the best soundtrack ever created at shin nen, why don't they make same good soundtrack like aniki again for the nano serial

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