Majesco Brings First Person Swordplay to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.04.2010 4

Majesco Brings First Person Swordplay to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Too broke or safety conscious to buy a real sword? Majesco has the solution to all your slash and swipe needs with Swords for Wii.

The game pits you against various warriors from history, 8 infact, including the tricky Sir Lancelot and deadly female Keiko Anamura. Clash with 8 viscious foes and a final unknown chap by swinging your Wii Remote - much like Ubisoft's Red Steel and other samurai simulators.

Developed by Panic Button and due for Wii this September, Swords aims to bring you a little bit more accuracy and realism with the MotionPlus accessory.

Image for Majesco Brings First Person Swordplay to Wii
Box art for Swords

Panic Button







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Slowly seeing the birth of a new genre arnt we? Smilie

Too early to tell for this, assuming its not WiiWare, I would hope theres more too it then just fighting 8+1 enemys though. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Is this WiiWare? Because I don't think I'd pay more than �£5 for this...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

...oh noes

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Simon  said:
Is this WiiWare? Because I don't think I'd pay more than �£5 for this...

I second that.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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