Dead Rising's Frank West to Stay

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2010 7

Dead Rising

Hands up if you're a fan of the camera-tooting, zombie mauling protagonist from Capcom's Dead Rising - here's here to stay.

Capcom's Seth Killian revealed the Japanese branch's love for West whilst speaking to Destructiod recently. Executives over there are convinced that there's huge possy of fans waiting to ooze their love all over Frank West, so expect to see the Dead Rising fella making cameos, or even starring in various games in the future.

For better or for worse, (Capcom of) Japan has understood that 'the West' likes Frank. So maybe that's why he's called Frank West? I don't know... Rightly or wrongly (Capcom of) Japan is convinced that Joe Six pack here in America love God d*mn Frank West. He will be making appearances in as many games as they can get him into.

Are you a fan of Frank West? Do you think he deserves to appear in more games, despite not starring in Dead Rising 2?

Box art for Dead Rising: Chop Till you Drop








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This can't be a bad thing imo, he's a hilarious chap Smilie
I've only seen him in TvC, but I'm interested in trying Dead Rising and he's a dead cert for MvC3.

So yeah, more Frank! Smilie

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They should make a Wii-exclusive Dead Rising, from the ground up. There are things that happen with Frank after Dead Rising, so it would probably be pretty easy to do.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Presumably they don't realize that the character's popularity is mostly due to his unintentionally hilarious dialogue.

Theo (guest) 28.04.2010#5

Why not a game like GTA where u beat the shit out of people then take pictures like happy slapping LOL!x

Yeah hes pretty cool, hes covered wars yaknow.

SuperLink said:
This can't be a bad thing IMO, he's a hilarious chap Smilie
I've only seen him in TvC, but I'm interested in trying Dead Rising and he's a dead cert for MvC3.

So yeah, more Frank! Smilie

Now if that game could just get Spider-Man what kind of fight would Frank West & Peter Parker have over photo journalism?...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

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