Sid Meier's Pirates for Nintendo Wii

By Adam Riley 23.04.2010 5

Sid Meier

A new listing on US ratings website ESRB has revealed Sid Meier's Pirates is heading to Wii. Following the cancellation of Firaxis' Wii version of Civilization Revolution, fans of Sid Meier's games will now apparently be able to get their fix of gaming goodness.

Below is the description from the ESRB ratings website:

In this adventure game, players build a fleet of ships, explore the high seas, and engage in sword battles on their way to finding a seafarer's abducted family. Players can shoot cannons at ships and fortresses, and engage in one-on-one sword fighting on the ships. Historical footage sometimes references pirates' violent exploits (e.g., "slashing his throat so badly that blood gushed everywhere"). Some female characters wear low-cut dresses that expose a lot of cleavage. In one cutscene, a woman hugs a man then squeezes his buttocks. Some locations are named after alcohol (e.g., "Rum Rock" and "Rum Bay"), and the crew is once referred to as "dead drunk." The word "hell" sometimes appears on screen.

Below is footage from an older version of the game:

Do you feel the feel of the original Sid Meier's Pirates can be successfully translated to Wii?

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ze da pinga (guest) 23.04.2010#2


Guest 23.04.2010#3


If they price it at below $50 then the game has a very good chance of "revive" the franchise. Looking forward to our first look at the new game.

Yes! Yes! Yes! :-D

Underground but not dead

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