Hudson's Nintendo DS Fairy Tail

By Adam Riley 23.04.2010 4


Hudson is working on a new Nintendo DS game called 'Fairy Tail.' The Konami-owned company is bringing the Japanese Manga license to the DS in Japan on 22nd July, 2010. The game involves hand-to-hand action, with two-player fun promised and is based on a Manga series that has been released on a weekly basis for the past five years, with the main star being a wizardess by the name of Lucy Heartfilia who was kidnapped, used as a slave, then was broken about. Following this, she joined the Fairy Tail guild.

It has been speculated that there will be similarities to the Konami-published PSP edition, Fairy Tail: Portable Guild, meaning gamers can likely expect some fantastical team adventuring, taking on various quests along the way.

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So an action game then. The PSP game didn't seem like a great game but lets wait to see what Konami can do with the DS.

Maralein (guest) 28.07.2010#2

ich hoffe das ein Fairy tail spiel so wie in den serien für den nintendo DS rausgebracht würd das würde ich dan nämlich gerne kaufen und spielen ich liebe Fairy Tail <3 hoffentlich gibts das bald in Deutschland

Verdana (guest) 28.11.2010#3

I cant wait,im a fairy tail fan XD please try your best and good luck Smilie

NadyaSuryaKrishnan (guest) 16.12.2010#4

I will look forward for this game , iam a huge fan of Fairy Tail , a fully magical game , i will look forward to it.

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