New Chocobo Heading to Europe?

By Adam Riley 23.04.2010 5

New Chocobo Heading to Europe? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has trademarked a new Chocobo-related name for Europe. However, exactly what it could be is currently unknown. In Japan there are two Nintendo DS games that have yet to be localised, the sequel to Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Story and the portable edition of Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon from the Wii.

Considering the fact that Square Enix does not have any new Nintendo DS or Wii games confirmed for 2010 in Europe yet, other than the Nintendo-published Dragon Quest IX, it would certainly be a nice surprise.

Could either of these have been renamed as this the name in this trademark, Chocobo's Crystal Tower? Or is this something completely different?

Box art for Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales



Square Enix





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Naruto & Bleach Fan plus Hotel dusk& Super mario b (guest) 23.04.2010#1

Is This What Ngamer Was Talking about

When? I must have missed that...Do you mean in the latest issue of NGamer, or on the magazine's Twitter page?

I really enjoyed Chocobo Tales and am really disappointed the second game hasn't been released here yet. The DS version of Chocobo Dungeon is also more fun than the Wii one, so that should be given a chance as well!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

At a guess I say it would be something for Iphone, the two DS chocobo games sold so poorly in Japan and the chocobo on wii had bad worldwide sales I doubt SE would bother to spend money to localise older games which would only attract a very small market

Jax (guest) 24.04.2010#4

Ngamer Was To Talk About A Top Secret Ds Game ! So I Don't Know

vivisapprentice said:
At a guess I say it would be something for Iphone, the two DS chocobo games sold so poorly in Japan and the chocobo on wii had bad worldwide sales I doubt SE would bother to spend money to localise older games which would only attract a very small market

Sadly I have to agree with you there. Chocobo Tales never even made the UK DS-only Top 40, and Chocobo Dungeon hardly did any better.

Unfortunately the name has an iPhone defense tower ring to it... Smilie

Jax (guest) said:
Ngamer Was To Talk About A Top Secret Ds Game ! So I Don't Know

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I suppose they could have been talking about anything. That's the problem with sweeping statements like that Smilie I made one in my podcast recently, but I can be a little clearer and say it's not been released anywhere around the world yet and not even been announced yet...and it's a fun pick-up-and-play sort of experience. Can't reveal too much, of course, since I'm under NDA Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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