Shin'en Release New Jett Rocket Trailer

By 23.04.2010 4


Shin'en have released a new trailer for their upcoming WiiWare title, Jett Rocket. The game looks to be one of the nicest looking games on WiiWare, so far, which can be seen in this fantastic new trailer for the game.

The new trailer shows what you can expect from the gameplay, featuring adventuring, puzzles and sports activities all wrapped up in one. It looks a bit like Wii Sports Resort mixed with Super Mario Galaxy.

Jett Rocket sees you exploring the planet of Yoroppa and trying to discover why it has been attacked by the evil 'Power Plant Posse'. You can ride on the ocean with a Jet Boat or take to the skies with a Parachute. You can also speed down Arctic landscapes with a Jet Snowboard.

Jett Rocket is set to hit WiiWare soon, but no official date has been announced yet.

Box art for Jett Rocket

Shin'en Multimedia







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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

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The music and some of the sounds reminded me of Nanostray.

hope it out soon need somthing to keep me going for Mario G2

Ray (guest) 23.04.2010#3

Just amazing!

It looks more like a full retail game than a WiiWare title!

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