Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Hitting Wii In Arcade Hits Pack

By 22.04.2010 5

Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Hitting Wii In Arcade Hits Pack on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

If you enjoyed SEGA's previous efforts with lightgun games on the Wii, then you maybe be excited to know the company will be bringing more to the system. Due to a recent ESRB rating leak, the arcade games, Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns have been confirmed and will both be hitting in one game package.

The package, called Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns Arcade Hits Pack, was rated by ESRB as 'Teen', which inevitably confirmed the games existence. Unfortunately, whist it's rating information was given, there was no sign a release date. Although ESRB did provide a small amount of information about the games.

This is an arcade-style first-person shooter in which players engage in missions to protect sections of New York and Los Angeles from enemy forces. Players aim targeting crosshairs on dozens of attacking soldiers, robots, missiles, and vehicles that explode when destroyed. Constant gunfire and explosions highlight the frenetic action; zoomed-in camera angles depict multiple projectiles striking the humanoid terrorist enemies.

Are you interested in more lightgun games for the Wii?

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Our member of the week

I remember playing Gunblade NY in the arcades a looooong time ago. It was a lot of fun ^^.

I wonder how the game will look though... IIt's an old game... I hope they polish the graphics so it doesn't look like a 15 year old game among other Wii titles.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ah, these games sure bring back a lot of memories. It will probably release at $30 as was done with House of the Dead 2 and 3 return so if that is the case they can count on my purchase. I love on-rail shooters and the more of them around...

Hopefully the Wiimote will rumble with every shot since that was part of the fun in the arcade.

( Edited 22.04.2010 17:09 by EdEN )

ACE! Sega just needs to release the lot of 'em.

Jesse (guest) 27.04.2010#4

8) aslong as they leave the graphics teh same as the arcade im fine with that i dont really care if you dont get teh same arcade feel

fernie (guest) 01.06.2010#5

i wish it will come at june 11

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