Nintendo 3DS Euro Date Revealed?

By Adam Riley 20.04.2010 9

Nintendo 3DS Euro Date Revealed? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new report has indicated that Nintendo could surprise the world with an early release of the 3DS system, which is set to be the 3D-enabled successor to the standard Nintendo DS series, which saw its DSi XL model released only last month in the Western world. According to supposed strong sources, the Nintendo 3DS could be launching in Europe as early as October 2010, far sooner than the expected 2011 launch. This would place it nicely as a way to combat Microsoft and its launch of Natal.

The source stated, "It's a surprise - we were expecting it much closer to Christmas. But I suppose it gives Nintendo the opportunity to get it front and centre in people's minds nice and early. In my experience, you don't launch a product that early to Christmas unless you're confident in it - and going to spend a lot of money on it. We're reassured that Nintendo is going to give it some decent backing in Q4."

Could Nintendo 3DS really be launched as early as October 2010? Does this mean Pokémon Black/White could indeed have 3DS capabilities?

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So that's two DS games already confirmed to be coming out after the 3DS... Black/White, and Okamiden.

I'm not sure if I like how early it is. Don't people who just bought an XL feel pretty crap about this? In any case, smart move getting it out at the same time as PSMove and Natal (I think I know which of the three is gonna sell most), and before XMAS too! They'd better have some huge games to go with it.

( Edited 20.04.2010 17:20 by SuperLink )

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Mmm, since the XL just released I don't think Nintendo will do that. The better way to do this would be to release the 3DS in Japan on November 2010 and set a release date for September 2011 in the Americas and Europe to give the XL a chance and have enough software ready, specially since a new pokemon is set to be released in Japan at the end of the year.

I don't think the XL is a long-term item that is aimed at the market that has already snapped up a DSi. This doesn't cause too much of a problem, I feel.

Nintendo will keep the DS family alive for a while after the 3DS launch, just as the GBA carried on trucking (especially in the US) for ages after the DS release.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

They always said that it would launch BY the end of 2010, not starting Winter 2010. I'm guessing a worldwide release. Since they are still supporting the DS, the 3DS will most likely have a DS slot of some sort.

XL is a cow that had to be milked. NOT KILLED.

I doubt the developers have the new N systems by now, so how they can prepare anything for Christmas 2010!
3DS' just not going out before 2011.

( Edited 20.04.2010 23:50 by MickeyMike )

NGAMER (guest) 21.04.2010#6

What's up with the comments stating the DSi XL was something else than a last resort to get sales up? Hello? Does anyone remember the GBA Micro?

NGAMER (guest) said:
What's up with the comments stating the DSi XL was something else than a last resort to get sales up? Hello? Does anyone remember the GBA Micro?

O yeah I remember that E3. reggi "Our competitors are complaining that it's two against one... Now we just made it 2.5 to one." that got the crowd roaring. and me laughing... because it was small.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Hello sorry for the lack of news recently but here goes.

3DS can only utilise the 3D display in a standard horizontal view. Games like Ninja Gaiden DS or Brain Training etc.... on the new device wouldn't work in 3D.

Another new bit of information is that people who wear glasses might not actually get the 3D image properly as the glass bend the image, this distortion to the eye renders the 3D affect useless.

There's more coming, but got another meeting to prepare for.... the developers here are going over the spec and problems with design and making a pretty dev tree.

Oh Oh I nearly forgot.... Apple have supplied us with spec relating to 3D glasses.

( Edited 22.04.2010 11:06 by MightyHorace )

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NGAMER (guest) said:
What's up with the comments stating the DSi XL was something else than a last resort to get sales up? Hello? Does anyone remember the GBA Micro?

Haha, I love my lil' GBmicro. Still my favourite version of the GBA. A 'Nintendo DS mini' would be cool Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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