Nintendo Wii Gets Modern Warfare 2?

By Adam Riley 20.04.2010 10

Nintendo Wii Gets Modern Warfare 2? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

US retailer Gamestop has either made many Wii owners' day, or made a big mistake that will leave many disappointed. According to a email-based promotional flyer currently doing the rounds, there is a box art showing Activision Blizzard's multi-million selling First-person shooter, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, as being on Wii. The source of this news has pointed out that the art on the box appears slightly different to that of the PS3 and Xbox 360 editions. Considering Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex on Wii has become a worldwide million-seller since release last year, and the developer has not discounted the idea of Modern Warfare 2 eventually hitting Wii, it would not be a massive shock to see the sequel that recently became the second best-selling game of all-time in the US (according to the NPD Group), finally turn up on Wii in some form or other.

Could this be what n-Space's new Wii game actually is? Given the company's past efforts with Call of Duty on DS, such as last year's Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Mobilized, the possibility is certainly there.

Could this in fact be an accidental leak, or merely a mistake on Gamestop's part?

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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That would be cool, pretty soon after the original MW2 aswell.

Infinity Ward has been pretty much completely destroyed, so there's no objections from them :/
Wouldn't it be weird if Reflex or this were among the reasons for IW being fucked about by Activision?

Oh well, was still a dick move ._.

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Well, anyone who goes to the activision forum for Reflex will tell you it's only a matter of time. The people there, including mods, don't even talk about it as a "maybe," just a matter of when.
not sure about n-space, though. Treyarch did a pretty good job with Reflex (though hit detection is pitiful; I don't know if it's like that in the other versions of the game, though.) Still, I'm pretty excited. From what I've heard, CoD7 should be hitting all platforms simultaneously, like World at War did. If MW2 came out around the same time or sooner, that'd be cool.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
Well, anyone who goes to the activision forum for Reflex will tell you it's only a matter of time. The people there, including mods, don't even talk about it as a "maybe," just a matter of when.
not sure about n-space, though. Treyarch did a pretty good job with Reflex (though hit detection is pitiful; I don't know if it's like that in the other versions of the game, though.) Still, I'm pretty excited

That's very interesting, thanks for the update - I wasn't aware of that at all.

From what I've heard, CoD7 should be hitting all platforms simultaneously, like World at War did. If MW2 came out around the same time or sooner, that'd be cool.

Hmm, that would fit in with the Gamestop email then. Stick out MW2 on Wii for the Summer period, then bash out CoD7 in November across all formats!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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let hope Infinity Ward dont act like a ass hole and shit on them when they too lazy to do it them self

( Edited 19.04.2010 20:05 by Jump_button )

Infinity Ward don't have any say in whether or not they or any other devs make/port a CoD game to a system. Activision wear the trousers and there's two thing IW can do, and that's nothing and like it.

Yep, IW's "stance" on this matter is irrelevant. It's Activision who has the say-so. If they want it done, it will be done. I'm all for it, though I imagine it would seem quite quick (if it were released any time soon), since Reflex didn't come out long ago. For other platform owners, MW2 came out years after MW1.

Still great news for Wii owners - it's a boss game! If you have one of the other platforms it's available for - get it for that. If you only have a Wii though, then crack open the champagne!

Infinity Ward was definitely behind not putting Call of Duty on the Wii, they gave an interview on why they wouldn't do it, remember?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Infinity Ward was definitely behind not putting Call of Duty on the Wii, they gave an interview on why they wouldn't do it, remember?

Who cares? They have absolutely no say in the matter. They made things difficult with MW2 by not granting Treyarch access to the game's code and assets in time in order to release it on Wii, which is why you got MW1.

Anyway, Infinity Ward are more-or-less dead now, with many of the founding members having left in the last couple months to form a new company - Respawn Entertainment. I look forward to what they can do.

It's amazing that MW1 sold more than a million units on Wii...

Martin_ said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Infinity Ward was definitely behind not putting Call of Duty on the Wii, they gave an interview on why they wouldn't do it, remember?

Who cares? They have absolutely no say in the matter. They made things difficult with MW2 by not granting Treyarch access to the game's code and assets in time in order to release it on Wii, which is why you got MW1.

Anyway, Infinity Ward are more-or-less dead now, with many of the founding members having left in the last couple months to form a new company - Respawn Entertainment. I look forward to what they can do.

I read your original post incorrectly, my bad, haha. Yeah if Activision wants it done, it'll happen. And Activision wants it done.
Somebody at the Reflex forum at Activision said that if Modern Warfare 2 is being ported to Wii, that Treyarch isn't doing it. But he wasn't a mod and he didn't provide a source or reasoning of any kind, so idk. Reflex is already on the top ten Wii selling games list I believe, and it hasn't even been out for half of a year, so they'd be insane not to put MW2 on the Wii.

NNID: crackedthesky
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