Bandai Namco Gives D3 Green Light

By Adam Riley 19.04.2010 4

Bandai Namco Gives D3 Green Light on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bandai Namco has given its the recently purchased D3Publisher the green-light to publish various Japanese games in the US. D3Publisher currently has the Japanese arm's latest DS RPG Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow on its release list for this year, and will also handle the US release of Japanese smash-hit Monster Hunter-a-like, God Eater on PlayStation Portable later this year. Both of these games are apparently going to be the start of a regular occurrence at D3 - games that Namco Hometek has not exactly passed on, but cannot cover due to other priorities.

The opportunity is definitely there with Namco. They’ve come to us quite a few times and said, ‘Hey our bandwidth is a little bit tight right now. We want to get this game out. Are you guys interested in like, you know, working on it?’ Like God Eater, which we announced. That’s exactly the kind of opportunity. It’s not something they [ Bandai Namco ] said ‘You know, we're not going to bring it out over here.’ It was more, ‘Hey, here’s an opportunity for you guys. We’re kind of tapped on our QA, so if you guys want to do it here you go.’

- Joe Fletcher, Associate Producer.

Could this lead to games like Tales of Hearts on DS, Tales of Graces on Wii, and Taiko no Tatsujin for both DS and Wii finally getting a chance in the US?

Box art for Tales of Hearts

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I thought you meant a sequel to D2, one of the earlier Dreamcast games Smilie

Martin_ said:
I thought you meant a sequel to D2, one of the earlier Dreamcast games Smilie

Smilie I'd not thought of it like that!

Anyway, D3 has had great success with the Ben10 games. Let's see how well it handles the new Blue Dragon. I'm hoping Taiko DS 3, Taiko Wii 2, Destiny Links DS, Hottorake DS, Tales of Hearts and Tales of Graces all eventually get picked up...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Great news, but at the same time not great news...

US get half of the Tales of games anyway, I wish there was an effort to bring more of them to Europe.... sure we'd be able to import Tales games on DS, but what about games on other systems? I'm willing to bet the 3DS will be region locked too.

Namco still hate Europe.

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Could this lead to games like Tales of Hearts on DS, Tales of Graces on Wii, and Taiko no Tatsujin for both DS and Wii finally getting a chance in the US?

I wouldn't get my hopes too high for Hearts, it's been out in Japan for too long IMHO. But for Graces, i'm definitely confident =). Even if it's just a US release, i don't care, i'll import a US copy XD.

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