New Pokémon for Nintendo Wii

By Adam Riley 18.04.2010 14

New Pokémon for Nintendo Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has had a new Pokémon game rated for Wii over in Australia. Known as PokéPark: Pikachu's Big Adventure, this Creatures, Inc-developed came out in Japan on 5th December, 2009 and has built up respectable sales of over 300,000 units so far. Now it seems Nintendo is ready to give it a chance abroad, with the OFLC recently rating it, meaning a European release is also likely on the cards.

The collection of mini-games has gamers taking control of Pikachu and playing around with their favourite Pokémon in the setting of an amusement park, taking part in water- and air-based races, as well as fun quizzes. The game is based around two Pokémon-themed parks that were found in Japan and Taiwan that are now closed. Clearly Nintendo wants to keep the spirit alive in the form of PokéPark: Pikachu's Big Adventure. For reference, the head of Creatures, Inc. is Hirokazu 'Hip' Tanaka, who many will know from his work as composer on SNES classic Super Metroid.

PokéPark: Pikachu's Big Adventure was released at half the price of New Super Mario Bros. Wii when it launched on the same day in Japan last year, so hopefully Nintendo will keep the lower pricing when it eventually gets its official release date in the West.

Box art for PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Pika Pika (guest) 18.04.2010#1

what the heck, I neverd heard of a game called pokepark kinda of a funny name though. it's probably not released in the us or something.Smilie

No, it's only in Japan for the moment. However, this OFLC rating means it's been submitted by Nintendo for a PAL region release. No doubt if we're getting it, the US will as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Im surpriced, was expecting another Pokemon Channel but this actually looks like theres fun and effort put into it. Looks like a great attempt of turning an RPG into an action adventure. Can't help but reminded of Zelda when watching this.

Pika Pika (guest) 18.04.2010#4

oh and befor I forget. I like the US version of pokemon better, since I'm from USA.

SethGreen (guest) 18.04.2010#5

Looks a bit tacky to me. Why not do a whole proper RPG for the Wii then?

Jules (guest) 18.04.2010#6

Oh this game i was wondering what they would do with it wicked it's coming to UK?

Jules (guest) said:
Oh this game i was wondering what they would do with it wicked it's coming to UK?

Well, for now it's been rated for the Australian market, but when that happens, since it's also a PAL territory like Europe, a UK release is not normally far behind.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Jim (guest) 18.04.2010#8

Another shite console pokemon game.

Jim (guest) said:
Another shite console pokemon game.

It actually received favourable reviews from Famitsu and due to positive word of mouth it hung around in the charts for a good few months.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Doesn't look awful really.

I still have a problem with the lack of texture on the 'mon, but I suppose that's a problem with trying to graphically upgrade characters designed for an original Gameboy without losing their character. They still look like cleaned up Stadium models, and although I never played it I thought Battle Revolution looked better than this from videos.

Edit: Scratch that, PBR didn't look much better, just my memory giving it awesome graphics.

( Edited 19.04.2010 09:43 by Lynk )

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Lynk said:
I still have a problem with the lack of texture on the 'mon, but I suppose that's a problem with trying to graphically upgrade characters designed for an original Gameboy without losing their character. They still look like cleaned up Stadium models, and although I never played it I thought Battle Revolution looked better than this from videos.

Edit: Scratch that, PBR didn't look much better, just my memory giving it awesome graphics.

Yeah this is definitely a problem. Nintendo and GameFreak need to find a way for Pokémon to look great in 3D, without loosing their anime charm. For a while I've been thinking that some form of Cel-shading or unique graphical style, since they really lose a lot of character in that bare bones 3D look.

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pokeboggle (guest) 20.04.2010#12

i so want to get that.

SuperLink said:
Lynk said:
I still have a problem with the lack of texture on the 'mon, but I suppose that's a problem with trying to graphically upgrade characters designed for an original Gameboy without losing their character. They still look like cleaned up Stadium models, and although I never played it I thought Battle Revolution looked better than this from videos.

Edit: Scratch that, PBR didn't look much better, just my memory giving it awesome graphics.

Yeah this is definitely a problem. Nintendo and GameFreak need to find a way for Pokémon to look great in 3D, without loosing their anime charm. For a while I've been thinking that some form of Cel-shading or unique graphical style, since they really lose a lot of character in that bare bones 3D look.

Yeah cel-shading is the only way I could imagine to really bring out the art style for Pokemon, especially with the amount of storage needed for models and animations for nearly 500 monsters.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.
mark (guest) 01.09.2010#14

good wii pokemon yous

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