Japanese Sales, 29th March-4th April, 2010

By Adam Riley 17.04.2010

Japanese Sales, 29th March-4th April, 2010 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Japanese sales for the period of 29th March to 4th April have now been collated. This week sees Atlus Japan's third Etrian Odyssey dungeon-crawling RPG shoot to the top spot, selling more than both its previous entries. This is the first game in the series since Ninnou-san, its creator, left Atlus to join imageepoch. There were concerns the game may not quite appeal to the fanbase, but clearly those fears were unjustified as more people have rushed out to buy it on Day One than before. The only other big releases of the week were Konami's latest Pro Baseball Spirits entry, across PS3, PSP and PS2, whilst Tecmo Koei launched the critically mauled Dead or Alive: Paradise on PSP, and there two obscure DS games hit just outside the Top 10, with Hudson x GReeeeN Live!? DeeeeS!? from Hudson Soft at No.12, and Nicola Kanshuu: Model Oshare Audition from Alchemist at No.15.

Check out all the data below, including the hardware numbers showing the DS family clinging onto the No.1 spot and Wii holding steady as the PS3 starts to slide back down to normal levels following its recent boost due to Yakuza and Fist of the North Star:

Media Create Top 50 - 29th March-4th April, 2010
1.) (NEW) Etrian Odyssey III: Caller of the Starry Seas (NDS, Atlus Co.) - 87,765 | NEW
2.) (1) Fist of the North Star: Warriors (PS3, Koei) - 71,629 | 456,924
3.) (NEW) Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 (PS3, Konami) - 57,136 | NEW
4.) (NEW) Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 (PSP, Konami) - 50,726 | NEW
5.) (4) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 42,415 | 3,617,387
6.) (5) Friend Collection (NDS, Nintendo) - 35,551 | 3,067,478
7.) (2) Yakuza 4: Heir to the Legend (PS3, Sega) - 33,936 | 501,095
8.) (3) Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light (NDS, The Pokemon Company) - 33,510 | 360,178
9.) (NEW) Dead or Alive: Paradise (PSP, Tecmo) - 32,271 | NEW
10.) (NEW) Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 (PS2, Konami) - 21,002 | NEW
11.) (9) Wii Fit Plus (Wii, Nintendo) - 23,057 | 1,810,917
12.) (NEW) Hudson x GReeeeN Live!? DeeeeS!? (NDS, Hudson) - 18,479 | NEW
13.) (6) God of War III (PS3, SCE) - 17,222 | 60,605
14.) (12) Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP the Best Reprint) (PSP, Capcom) - 17,215 | 242,991
15.) (NEW) Nicola Kanshuu: Model Oshare Audition (NDS, Alchemist) - 17,205 | NEW
16.) (8) Gundam: Assault Survive (PSP, Namco Bandai) - 12,532 | 136,580
17.) (14) Wii Sports Resort (Wii, Nintendo) - 11,797 | 1,832,522
18.) (23) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 11,530 | 2,618,969
19.) (18) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 11,528 | 5,782,920
20.) (15) Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Ultimate Hits) (NDS, Square Enix) - 11,483 | 97,656
21.) (17) God Eater (PSP, Namco Bandai) - 11,374 | 580,946
22.) (11) Pro Baseball Family Stadium DS 2010 (NDS, Namco Bandai) - 11,290 | 26,633
23.) (22) The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (NDS, Nintendo) - 11,276 | 646,547
24.) (21) Crayon Shin-Chan: Obaka Daininden - Susume! Kasukabe Ninja Tai! (NDS, Namco Bandai) - 11,269 | 32,887
25.) (20) Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! 3D (PSP, SCE) - 11,228 | 71,970
26.) (25) Kenka Bancho 4: One Year War (PSP, Spike)
27.) (33) Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver (NDS, The Pokemon Company) - 11,225 | 3,674,880
28.) (19) Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 2 (PSP, Koei) - 7,938 | 74,406
29.) (28) Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie (NDS, Square Enix)
30.) (7) Fist of the North Star: Warriors (360, Koei) - 7,294 | 39,700
31.) (32) Inazuma Eleven 2: Threat of the Invaders - Fire / Blizzard (NDS, Level 5)
32.) (NEW) Winning Post World 2010 (PS3, Koei) - 5,880 | NEW
33.) (36) God of War Collection (PS3, Capcom) - 5,572 | 23,456
34.) (10) Saki Portable (PSP, Alchemist)
35.) (34) Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (PS3, Capcom)
36.) (31) Nobunaga's Ambition: Way of Heaven (PS3, Koei)
37.) (35) Nettou! Powerful Koushien (NDS, Konami)
38.) (29) Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3, Electronic Arts)
39.) (40) One Piece: Unlimited Cruise Ep.1 (Everyone's Recommendation Selection) (Wii, Namco Bandai)
40.) (44) Taiko Drum Master Wii 2 (Wii, Namco Bandai)
41.) (49) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)
42.) (NEW) Pet Shop Monogatari DS 2 (NDS, Taito Corporation)
43.) (50) Demon's Souls (Playstation 3 the Best) (PS3, SCE)
44.) (RE) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
45.) (45) RPG Maker DS (NDS, Enterbrain)
46.) (RE) Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (Ultimate Hits) (NDS, Square Enix)
47.) (47) Yakuza 3 (PlayStation 3 the Best) (PS3, Sega)
48.) (43) Hot Shots Tennis Portable (PSP, SCE)
49.) (NEW) Machi-Ing Maker 3 x Tousouchuu (PSP, D3 Publisher)
50.) (38) .hack//Link (PSP, Namco Bandai)
XX.) Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard (NDS, Atlus) - Unknown | 154,000 (started its first week on 81,000 units)

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | 2010 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) Nintendo DS (all models) - 41,219 | 45,559 | 867,872 | 29,966,460
2.) PlayStation Portable (all models) - 39,248 | 48,323 | 854,618 | 14,460,892
3.) PlayStation 3 - 38,877 | 50,448 | 577,460 | 4,964,459
4.) Wii - 30,938 | 36,849 | 691,223 | 10,132,567
5.) Xbox 360 - 2,676 | 3,002 | 49,964 | 1,252,758
6.) PlayStation 2 - 1,815 | 1,785 | 30,651 | 21,636,805
XX.) Nintendo DSi XL - 21,583 | 23,188 | 420,614 | 856,878
XX.) Nintendo DSi - 15,526 | 17,376 | 359,007 | 4,605,492
XX.) Nintendo DS Lite - 4,110 | 4,995 | 88,251 | 17,918,619
XX.) PlayStation Portable - 37,445 | 46,449 | 828,997 | 14,363,419
XX.) PSPgo - 1,803 | 1,874 | 25,621 | 97,473

Box art for Etrian Odyssey








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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