Square Enix Surprise Coming?

By Calum Peak 17.04.2010 9

Square Enix Surprise Coming? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Twitter seems to be getting all the little bits of news these days, the latest coming from Square Enix. Square's USA branch teased an unannounced game via Sonia Im, the assistant director of public releations; "Oh and working on some stuff for an unannounced game, [We] think people are going to be shocked and stoked".

What could this new title possibly be? Could Square Enix be working on an entirely new IP, or is it bringing back one of its past games? Considering that Square Enix now owns Eidos, the people responsible for Tomb Raider and Batman: Arkham Asylum, the possibilities are potentially endless. However, we will have to wait and see over the coming months.

What do you think this new 'shocking' title is that Square Enix is working on?

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I think it's the FFVII remake, which is why people are going to be shocked (noone thought it'd happen) and stoked (everyone knew it'd happen)

And it's gonna be for 3DS. BELIEVE.

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Jax (guest) 17.04.2010#2

That's What I Was Going To Say You Beat Me To ItSmilie

I want Nanashi no Game!!! Smilie Smilie

( Edited 17.04.2010 19:54 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

SuperLink said:
I think it's the FFVII remake, which is why people are going to be shocked (no one thought it'd happen) and stoked (everyone knew it'd happen)

And it's gonna be for 3DS. BELIEVE.

And the PS3... & the 360... People will ask if it's coming to Wii. But Square Enix will refute any claims of a Wii version as Wii doesn't have 3D capabilities...

/End Sarcasm...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

I doubt it will have anything to do with a Nintendo system.

PMD said:
I doubt it will have anything to do with a Nintendo system.
... And thus Square Enix launches their own console... causing other JRPG makers to cut all ties with Nintendo, Sony, & MS. DC Universe Online gets canceled as WOW makes its MMO Console debut on Square Enix's console. Nintendo Power makes new claims that FF sucks compared to LoZ as oceans run red with the blood of Sony & MS Fanboys...

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

PMD said:
I doubt it will have anything to do with a Nintendo system.

This is indeed likely to be the sad truth...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
BRINGCHRONOBACK (guest) 19.04.2010#8

Chrono Cross sequel although you guys would probably ruin considering you haven`t been good since you merged with enix. Although if you could get the original devs back to do it i`d but it in heartbeart as it is the best rpg series ever.

Iceman_det (guest) 22.04.2010#9

Hopefully it's Hitman 5

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