Level-5 Working on Nintendo 3DS?

By Adam Riley 14.04.2010 2

Level-5 Working on Nintendo 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There have been rumblings of a new Level-5 project coming soon, but could it be for the Nintendo 3DS? Today it has been confirmed that Level-5's new game announcement is not actually the recently trademarked Sengoku Baseball Team, as many presumed. Instead the developer behind hits such as Professor Layton and Pandora's Box, as well as Inazuma Eleven on DS, is going to be working on a new project with former Chunsoft employee Jiro Ishii, who worked as Director on the SEGA-published Wii sound novel, 428: The World Doesn't Change Even So that received 40/40 from Famitsu magazine back in 2008.

Jirou Ishii no longer works with Chunsoft, taking up permanent residence at Level-5. Ishii-san will be working closely with Level-5's CEO Akihiro Hino on Time Travellers in the role of Director, whilst Hino is Producer. As Hino-san states, the game will be a "large scale game...that could become a popular series for Level-5." It will feature a time travel theme and will be "...centered on a system that's not yet in this world." Considering that amount of support Level-5 has been giving Nintendo, with four Professor Layton releases in Japan (with a fifth coming later this year), two Inazuma Eleven games (one of which was a million-seller, with a third game due in time for the World Cup), the Studio Ghibli joint effort Ninokuni: The Another World and the intriguing Fantasy Life, co-developed with Nintendo's own Brownie Brown, it would be illogical for the company to abandon Nintendo support. Given how the only major piece of hardware on the horizon is the Nintendo 3DS, could this indeed be the first game to be unofficially announced for it?

Would you like to see a time-travel themed Level-5 game that takes full advantage of the portable 3D technology?

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I'm hoping Time Traveller is a 3DS title.


And nothing like Sega's holographic arcade game called Time Traveller, from the early 90's

( Edited 14.04.2010 11:29 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I just want more Level 5 games... and for the localization of all the Layton games to speed up a bit.

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