Nintendo Confirms Jam with the Band DS for Europe

By Adam Riley 14.04.2010 1

Nintendo Confirms Jam with the Band DS for Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

If you are a music lover, then the unique new game Jam with the Band will help transform your Nintendo DS into a fun, portable music maker allowing you to get creative with your friends. Programme your own versions of famous songs and share them with other players. Or jam to a collection of popular songs from a constantly expanding song list. If you are after a unique gameplay experience then be sure to turn up the volume and Jam with the Band as it launches on Nintendo DS in Europe on 21st May 2010.

This will be the localised version of the second entry into the musical series from 2008, which was a massive hit in Japan, rather than the first game, Daigasso! Band Brothers, which hit DS back at launch in Japan on 2nd December, 2004 and was originally planned for a European release not long after. Nintendo has clearly seen enough success with both Rhythm Paradise and Wii Music to warrant finally bringing this to Europe. It can only be hoped that Namco Bandai Europe also chips in with the two Taiko no Tatsujin DS games.

Jam with the Band allows you to programme your own tracks in the game’s song editor using up to eight different parts on each track from a collection of more than fifty instruments; or create some simple melodies by humming into the Nintendo DS in-built microphone. It comes with fifty pre-installed songs, and approximately fifty more will be downloadable via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Users are also able to upload their own ‘versions’ of tracks which can be downloaded by other users. In addition, there is a dedicated website where players are able to see new and the most popular tracks available. The game will even analyse your singing style to suggest the best music genre to sing in!

With one copy of the game up to eight people can each take a part and jam together. Players can also connect their DS system to a Wii console and send the sounds from the DS to the speakers of a TV sound system. A free Jam with the Band Live channel for Wii can be downloaded, meaning you and up to seven friends can enjoy the whole sound of the band from one set of speakers.

Some of the popular songs included are:

  • ABC
  • Barbara Ann
  • Deeper Underground
  • Chariots of Fire
  • Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?
  • Every Breath You Take
  • I’m A Slave 4 U
  • I‘m So Excited
  • Jungle Boogie
  • Lady Marmalade
  • Living In America
  • Material Girl
  • New York, New York
  • Our House
  • Smoke on the Water
  • Stop! In the Name of Love
  • The Final Countdown
  • The Pink Panther Theme
  • Walking on Sunshine
  • We Are the Champions
Videogame music fans can also play through the likes of a NES Classics Medley, F-Zero Medley, The Legend of Zelda Medley, Super Mario Kart Medley, Onigashima Medley, and Super Mario Medley.

Box art for Jam with the Band
Also known as

Daigasso! Band Brothers DX









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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Wow i absolutely loved the first game in the series that i imported with my ds. I have played this for many hrs alone and with friends and maybe this release will give me the inspiration and drive to try and finally get 100% with any instrument. I hope ready steady go is on this version. I am so excited for this i feel i may explode aaaarrrgghh splatt!!!!!!


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