Nintendo 3DS to Help Tose Recovery

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2010

Nintendo 3DS to Help Tose Recovery on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese studio Tose has confirmed that its going to be working on various projects for Nintendo's latest addition to its portable family, the 3DS.

Andriasang reports that Tose CEO Shigeru Saito confirmed that "orders for software for a 3D game machine that Nintendo will release are increasing. This will contribute greatly to the next fiscal period, so there will be a quick recovery". Tose has been suffering in recent months due to drops in sales/profits, down over half the year before.

Tose has worked on a fair few games before, with a solid catalogue of portable Nintendo games including the Game & Watch Gallery series and much loved platformer Densetsu no Starfy.

Could Tose be conjuring up a sixth Densetsu no Starfy for Nintendo 3DS?

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