Xenoblade Details and Japanese Boxart

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.04.2010 6

Nintendo is starting to pimp out Monolith's Wii-exclusive RPG with new details and retail boxart to dazzle your screens.

Image for Xenoblade Details and Japanese BoxartAccording to Andriasang, the game has started to do the rounds on retailers across Japan, with Nintendo trying to push the collaborative title as much as possible.

  • Nintendo/Monolith hope to address the question: "What do gamers who enjoy RPGs want?"
  • Amazon reckons players can rack up around 70 hours when playing Xenoblade.
  • Nintendo will release a new soundtrack to accompany the release, including compositions from Yoko Shimomura (who some may recall worked on various Mana games for Square Enix in the past) and a little something for fans of past games that share the "Xeno" name.

Image for Xenoblade Details and Japanese Boxart

Image for Xenoblade Details and Japanese Boxart

Box art for Xenoblade Chronicles
Also known as







Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (10 Votes)

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meeto1 (guest) 12.04.2010#1

wow have to say > didn't think nintendo cared about such things as what do rpg fans want. its good that they do and i like this kind of collaboration. i think they should be just as pro active with other big third party titles especially next gen from launch day. if devs see results year one with big titles then we could see an end to large large periods of no games.

From the makers of Baten Kaitos...so I'm fairly interested Smilie I'll wait for more info.

Those screens look pretty good though!

( Edited 12.04.2010 17:01 by Simon  )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++
Dave (guest) 12.04.2010#3

meeto1 (guest) said:
wow have to say > didn't think nintendo cared about such things as what do rpg fans want. its good that they do and i like this kind of collaboration. i think they should be just as pro active with other big third party titles especially next gen from launch day. if devs see results year one with big titles then we could see an end to large large periods of no games.

This isn't a third party game.

WHEN will this be released over here then?

Elrinth (guest) 13.04.2010#5

Super gorgeous

Looking wonderful! I loved Baten Kaitos so I'm very interested to see more.

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