Nintendo Announces Pokémon Black and White for DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2010 21

Nintendo Announces Pokémon Black and White for DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed the names of the first set of games in the latest generation of Pokémon - Black and White.

It looks as if the Pokémon Company are stepping back to basics with the simply titled duo, and according to the teaser website it promises to "reinnovate every aspect" - so it's likely that there'll be some pretty big changes in the next outing! The new games will also be home to the recently announced 'monster fox' Pokémon, Zorua and Zoroark.

More details will be revealed on April 15th in CoroCoro Magazine.

  • Teaser website for Pokemon Black and White (JP)
  • What would you like to see in the new Pokémon game? Would you be up for a reboot, or an improved version of what we've been used to?

    Box art for Pokémon Black & White

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    I'm guessing this is for 3DS, and I'm getting the one that says "Black Motherfucker".

    Finally! I always knew they would do a Black and White.

    I am excited for the "re innovation".

    Maybe they will change it up a bit?

    "Do a Barrel Roll!"

    I'm still sure it'll be for DS and not 3DS. I just can't see them revealing a 3DS game before the console's announcement you know? Chances are we'll be seeing screenshots and Pokémon in the next few weeks too. Why would they show screenshots of a 3DS game long before the 3DS is fully revealed?

    Nice title choice! I remember making a thread about my dream Pokémon titles "Pokémon Black & White" here a few years ago Smilie I wonder if they'll live up to that.

    EDIT: Yeah they're confirmed for DS.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 11:33 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I hope there's actualy less pokemon this time...but you can do more with them. Having a bazillion odd criters I think actually constrains development somewhat. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Darkflame said:
    I hope there's actualy less pokemon this time...but you can do more with them. Having a bazillion odd criters I think actually constrains development somewhat.

    Nah, they proved in Gen 4 that they have TONS of space available, especially when they made following sprites for every single Pokémon. They'll probably be pushing the DS to its limits this time.

    The idea of taking Pokémon away is an impossible one. There will be a regional Dex with about 150 in the main game, but after the post-game stuff begins, there's no way we're going through 5th gen without the National Dex and 500+ monsters.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Its not space, its development time.
    If you got 100 pokemon rather then 300, you got 3 times more development time per pokemon. (which would open up possibles to make more advanced animations, or higher quality sprites etc).
    By supporting many hundreds of creatures, its limiting what they can do to make the game different.

    The idea of taking Pokémon away is an impossible one. There will be a regional Dex with about 150 in the main game, but after the post-game stuff begins, there's no way we're going through 5th gen without the National Dex and 500+ monsters.

    And you dont think that backward compatible takes a lot of effort?
    I admire then doing it. But I think a complete new start would help the franchise a lot.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 13:02 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    Darkflame said:
    And you dont think that backward compatible takes a lot of effort?
    I admire then doing it. But I think a complete new start would help the franchise a lot.

    Rememebr Gen 3? That was meant to be a new start, but the lack of old Pokémon was one of the main reasons so many "fans" hated it!
    They even ended up making more games than originally intended just so fans could get their hands on their favourite Pokémon that weren't obtainable in Ruby or Sapphire.

    EDIT: As for development time, there is always a 4-5 year space between gens. It's obvious they've already been working on this one for quite a while behind the scenes.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 13:08 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I don't think one can 'reinnovate'...seems a bit of an impossibility.

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

    Mr. T said:
    I don't think one can 'reinnovate'...seems a bit of an impossibility.

    Sounds like a mistranslation to me Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    We need more than 4 attacks per PKMN.

    This one for DS with 3DS features, Pokémon Grey exclusive to 3DS is my reckoning. Though you never know, this could still be a 3DS launch title...I wouldn't rule anything out just yet.

    Mason said:
    This one for DS with 3DS features, Pokémon Grey exclusive to 3DS is my reckoning. Though you never know, this could still be a 3DS launch title...I wouldn't rule anything out just yet.

    It's been confirmed for the DS twice already though. Smilie the Japanese launch date is Q3.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 14:14 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    The DS's swan song, I'd bet. Nice titles. Still hoping we'll get Gen 3 remakes with this generation. Can't even begin to imagine what they'd be called, though. You can't relaly just tack things onto "ruby" or "sapphire" and not have it sound dumb, haha.
    I'm excited, for these.

    Edit: yeah, the bottom of that site says DS. But it wouldn't surprise me if they put the third game (or possible remakes) on 3DS. I don't think they've done that since Crystal came out, and I'm not sure how popular it would be, but it's entirely possible.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 14:34 by justonesp00lturn )

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing:

    That.... sounds really sexy for some reason. Pokemon Black or Pokemon white.... I already can't deside which i would rather!

    justonesp00lturn said:
    The DS's swan song, I'd bet. Nice titles. Still hoping we'll get Gen 3 remakes with this generation. Can't even begin to imagine what they'd be called, though. You can't relaly just tack things onto "ruby" or "sapphire" and not have it sound dumb, haha.

    RadRuby and Smokin'Sapphire. I'm calling it!
    It's good, the DS needs some sort of powerful outro, and from the looks of things it may have lost Golden Sun and Okamiden.

    yeah, the bottom of that site says DS. But it wouldn't surprise me if they put the third game (or possible remakes) on 3DS. I don't think they've done that since Crystal came out, and I'm not sure how popular it would be, but it's entirely possible.

    Good point on Crystal. Would be a shame if the remakes and third title used the same engine as the DS versions though wouldn't it? Maybe the same engine with updated visuals and way more stuff or something.
    In any case the third version will probably be something special.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 14:37 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Mason said:
    This one for DS with 3DS features, Pokémon Grey exclusive to 3DS is my reckoning. Though you never know, this could still be a 3DS launch title...I wouldn't rule anything out just yet.

    It's been confirmed for the DS twice already though. Smilie the Japanese launch date is Q3.

    3DS' launch could also scrape into that magical Q3, if you believe rumours buzzing around of it being out by the end of the year in Japan.

    Like I say, though: I'm pretty certain it'll have some kind of 3DS use but be a standard DS game, and I would bank on the third game in the generation being 3DS exclusive.

    ( Edited 09.04.2010 15:07 by Mason )

    Re Innovation? So thatll be new berries then

    The names sound fan-made and unoriginal. And they should've done Black and White back before Red, Green, and Blue.

    It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

    PK, The Mongonator said:
    The names sound fan-made and unoriginal. And they should've done Black and White back before Red, Green, and Blue.

    If you ask me they're a simple back to basics colour scheme. I've got words like "reboot" flying around when I think of the titles.

    I think both the names and especially the logos are awesome, and I'm genuinely surprised at how positive the feedback has been already.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Too bad ole Michael is dead. He could have orchestrated the game's soundtrack... Smilie

    The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

    I think there are a lot of places they can go, with this. Personally, I've grown tired of the "let's love pokemon" vs. "let's use pokemon" story used in basically every game. I think I'd like to see some kind of ying-yang, zen-like "one cannot exist without the other" kind of approach to the story.
    Mechanics-wise, I'd like to be able to create my own character, but I doubt that'll ever happen.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing:

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