Monster Hunter Tri Not Just Hardcore

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2010 7

Monster Hunter Tri Not Just Hardcore on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Producer of Capcom's Monster Hunter Tri Ryozo Tsujimoto has revealed that a fair few casuals have expressed interest in Japan.

With the latest beast slayer letting players roam about and combat vicious monsters, it's fairly far away from exercising one's brain or tapping balls into holes on the green. According to ONM Tsujimoto says that's not the case.

60 year-olds walking into stores [in Japan], playing on a demo machine for 15 minutes and proving themselves to be pretty good at the game.

They've obviously played it before, either at home or on repeated visits to stores, therefore they are obviously fans who know what to do and how to play. So there's no need to aim it at a certain type of gamer. People of all backgrounds enjoy the game.

Could your mum take on the world as a Monster Hunter?

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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The only reason for the term hardcore is to sale to the group that likes to call themselves hardcore Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

So every 60 year old is now automatically a casual player? DISCRIMINATION!

( Edited 03.04.2010 17:47 by PK, The Mongonator )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

meeto0 (guest) 03.04.2010#3

I think to ridicule the term hard core entirely is a bit silly. Like or loathe the term the general concept very much exists. It might be hard to define or know how to categories individuals but there are different gamer types who want very different things from gaming including difficulty, time needed to invest, depth,

ubisofts dance studio game is not really for veteran gamers who spend 20 hours online a wk on call of duty. the industry recognise this so should we

I think to ridicule the term hard core entirely is a bit silly. Like or loathe the term the general concept very much exists.

Hardcore is a description of how you play, not what you play.
Tetris can be hardcore.
The Sims can be hardcore.
Anything can be hardcore.

That concept exists. The idea of hardcore games, or two gaming groups, however, doesn't.

ubisofts dance studio game is not really for veteran gamers who spend 20 hours online a wk on call of duty. the industry recognise this so should we

And yet Nintendo doesn't recognise it.
Nintendo only see's games that are accessible, and those that are inaccessible. For Nintendo, all that matters is accessibility.
They are the ones ahead of the curve, and most people copying them (Ubisoft) completely miss the point.

You only have to look at Ubisoft "Imagine" brand for the DS. Initial success, then crash and burn.

The casual/hardcore division isn't helping gamers, or publishers. There is not two groups of people buying games. Theres hundreds.
My mums unlikely to play Call Of Duty...but she is equally unlikely to play dance studio. Professor Layton, Tetris or even A Boy And His Blob are infinitely likely.

Or, to put it another way, Most Call of Duty players arnt going to be the sort to play Okami or Beyond Good and Evil either.
If your looking for correlations, you will see them along genre lines just as much as gaming experience. Dividing gamers into two groups has done nothing but hurt the industry.
Instead, people should be following Nintendo's lead and pushing games that are accessible yet fun for everyone (New Mario Bros, Mario Kart, etc) and not demographically targeted to specific groups.

( Edited 03.04.2010 21:35 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Casuals are allowed to play this?

That's it, Capcom, you've just lost a customer!

Bahahaha sorry, I didn't read the whole article but the header pic was fantastic, pretty much sums it up huh?

Capcom into cougars eh?

Andrezao said:
Bahahaha sorry, I didn't read the whole article but the header pic was fantastic, pretty much sums it up huh?

Capcom into cougars eh?

...I found it in their secret vault SmilieSmilie

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