TopWare to Publish Enclave Wii Remake

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2010

TopWare to Publish Enclave Wii Remake on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

TopWare Interactive have confirmed the port of 2003 PC and Xbox fantasy action game Enclave for Nintendo's Wii with remote action!

The publisher recently acquired worldwide rights to the franchise and will be reworking the original game for Nintendo's motion-controlled console, as confirmed in development last year by Village 1 Entertainment. The studio is hoping to incorporate "familiar gameplay elements" with "carefully implemented refinements" for the Wii in mind. Some of the improvements include a better saving system for convenience and a tutorial for new fans to get to grips with the game.

The story of Enclave involves a battle between the Prince of Darkness, Vatar, and a lonely mage who crafted spells to bring down the best. His actions created two sides of a large ravine - good and, well, evil. Centuries passed and evil still flourished on one side, and now the gap is getting smaller.

Will you side with the good land of Celenheim or will you work with the side of evil?

A video of the Xbox edition - what to expect:

Enclave: Shadows of Twilight is bound for the Wii later this year.

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