Sharp Unveils Possible 3DS Screen Solution

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2010 8

Sharp Unveils Possible 3DS Screen Solution on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever since Nintendo announced the 3DS there has been curiosity into how it would work, and now Sharp has revealed a possible solution.

The 3DS (working title) is Nintendo's next portable console, boasting dual screens that are able to produce a 3D image without the need for special glasses/headwear. There haven’t been any details yet of who is producing the screens, or how it would work, but electronics manufacturer Sharp recently unveiled its own technology that may be similar to the upcoming 3DS's.

Image for Sharp Unveils Possible 3DS Screen Solution

According to Electronista, The technique uses a parallax barrier system that controls the way light is omitted from the screens to be able to produce the 3D image without using the ol' 3D glasses.

It's said to also work its magic on regular images with twice the usual brightness (500cd/m2), 10 times the contrast (1,000:1) and a sharper resolution. The screens can also work with live images, paving the way for some live interactivity if Nintendo choose to implement cameras into the 3DS.

Update - The English language video of this report can now be seen below:

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The screens can also work with live images, paving the way for some live interactivity if Nintendo choose to implement cameras into the 3DS.

I wonder if Nintendo is going to use dual cameras in this new DS positioned in such a way so that 3D video can be taken. I'm not completely familiar with the process, but I think that 3D footage is taken by compositing video data from two cameras recording at the same time. It would be pretty awesome if they did this.

I'm also excited about this technology. Good 3D without glasses? Major coup for Nintendo.

3D video would be an awesome feature! Definitely want to see how this works and sample it in person. I'm curious how much graphical power Nintendo will allow as well. The DS is decent enough, but seeing what both the iTouchpod and PSP can do really suggests that the DS needs a bit more juice!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The screens can also work with live images, paving the way for some live interactivity if Nintendo choose to implement cameras into the 3DS.

3D dicks? Yes, that is all us gamers think about...

iTouchPod? Smilie

Irfy said:
iTouchPod? Smilie

From time to time, yes!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

So basically, this will look great in video, but screenshots will be nauseating double-images?

NNID: crackedthesky
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yes, this was the exact tech I thought it would be awhile ago. Its good if its switch-able to normal mode. Even though I am all for 3d, developers should have a choice.

I just hope its also headtracked. Not either or, both!
That would really complete the illusion. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Smilie only thing with this is it hard to tell if it works well

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