New Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Trailer

By Adam Riley 01.04.2010 9

New Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed more footage of its upcoming Wii release, Super Mario Galaxy 2. Due for release on 23rd May in the US and 11th June in Europe, Nintendo of America has been giving Press the chance to try out an updated version of the platform adventure. Thankfully, a handy little summary has been written up, which can be seen below, along with the new video footage of the game in action.

Check out the details and video clip below:

  • Use Starship Mario to travel to galaxies, can explore a bit on it and talk to Lumas
  • Can choose to visit Starship Mario at any time for power-ups, 1ups
  • Galaxy you’re in will be reflected in themed background of the Starship Mario
  • There is more to Starship Mario
  • Boulder Bowl Galaxy: New suit: Rock Mario
  • Shake Wiimote to have Mario roll into a sphere, can knock down objects
  • Can steer Rock Mario, but it’s tough to turn with it on
  • Rollodillo boss fight: Tries to squash Mario, can attack his backside
  • New Yoshi ability: bulb fruit turns him into Light Yoshi
  • Haunty Halls Galaxy
  • Light Yoshi can illuminate platforms, if you can’t see the platforms you’ll die
  • Puzzle Plank Galaxy: Can cut through platforms you’re on, move based on your position
  • Cosmic Cove Galaxy: Twin Falls Hideaway challenge (swim underwater, go to a switch that turns water into ice)
  • Swimming with the koopa shell: When you brake, taillights will show up
  • Honeybloom Galaxy: Bee costume is back, level is in side-scrolling view
  • Still more elements about the game that can’t be discussed yet

Will you be snapping up Super Mario Galaxy 2 when it finally arrives, or are you still engrossed with New Super Mario Bros. Wii?

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1048 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Awesome job with this one! The game is looking great so far!

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Still considering on getting this...

Mario Forever in our Gaming hearts....Smilie

I'll be poorer next june. And loving it Smilie

Looking absolutely beautiful, can't wait - not long now folks!Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

There is only one thing i dont like about this and its the lack of the hub, but im sure that is something i'll get over quite quickly. Considering how critical i was over the original i really cannot wait to get this!

Smilie I feel sorry for other devs they cant do platfrormer when mario seting the bar so high noone can get clos too it

they will be a mine hub

( Edited 01.04.2010 12:34 by Jump_button )

How awesome is that rock Power up? We haven't seen that before have we? It looks awesome Goron Mario! Btw also noticed each coloured yoshi has a pupose? Or is it Yoshi turns into different colours depending on what he eats for example?

Looking awesome! Also I guess you can consider the ship as some sort of hub maybe? Good thing it's small and there's a map screen!

TheRockyKeith (guest) 02.04.2010#9

Got to hand it to Nintendo, this looks fucking ace. I can't believe they've bothered with this sequel, thought it would simply be a Mario Galaxy 1 ripoff with bare minimal improvements but the whole thing looks new and fun. Kudos Miyamoto-san!

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