Art of Murder Nintendo DS Trailer

By Adam Riley 01.04.2010 1

Art of Murder Nintendo DS Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

City Interactive and Mastertronic are bringing the popular PC series, Art of Murder, to the Nintendo DS, following in the footsteps of other successful Hidden Object DS releases, such as Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir and Mystery Stories.

Engage in a deadly duel of minds between FBI agent Nicole Bonnet and a serial killer. His trail of blood is marked with playing cards, that he leaves by the bodies of his victims as signature. Nicole has to use all her wits to solve the case and stop the killer before he strikes again. Considering the fact, that the next card can be found by her own body if she fails, Nicole has little choice but to proceed really fast with the investigation... Does she have what it takes to understand the mind of a psychopath, as complicated as his puzzles?

Check out the first trailer of this latest hidden object game below:

Key features in Art of Murder include:

  • Perfect mix of adventure game, hidden object game and logical puzzles;
  • An intriguing storyline that will keep you thrilled up till the end;
  • An elaborated Hidden Object mode offering 10 levels;
  • Fully rendered, detailed locations;
  • Many enjoyable mini games;
  • Elements created especially for Nintendo DS, including DSi technology.
Art of Murder is set to launch in Europe on 25th June from publisher Mastertronic.

[ Thanks to Jakub/pan_henryk for the news tip ]

Box art for Art of Murder








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European release date May 2010   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Yet another PC game making the transition to DS. Remember when people were desperate for this to happen, yet it didn't for like the first year or so of the sytem's life? Now you can hardly move for PC ports like this...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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