Renegade Kid Wants Dementium on Wii

By Calum Peak 29.03.2010 6

Renegade Kid Wants Dementium on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Jools Watsham, Co-Owner and Art Director at Renegade Kid, recently spoke with Pure Nintendo about the likelihood of seeing Dementium coming to Nintendo's home platform, and what he thinks about the recently announced 3DS, which is set to be unveiled at this year's E3.

Cubed3 went hands-on with Dementium II for DS late last year, but the game has been pushed back a few times and apparently may not be coming out in Europe until May now.

Check out some of the chat between Pure Nintendo and Jools Watsham below:

PN: Do you think there is a better audience for M-rated games on the DS then the Wii?

JW: Yes, I think there is a larger audience for M-rated games on the DS than the Wii. Wii sits in the living rooms for the families to play. With the DS, it’s your own private experience, you can plug in your headphones and go off by yourself. I have a Wii at home with family friendly games, and my 360 is in the office, were I play the other games.

PN: Would you ever consider making a Wii version of Dementium? I think it would work very well.

JW: We would develop Dementium for the Wii, if someone gives us the money (laughs). We would love to. We took Dementium: The Ward and added on high-resolution textures and lighting. It looked great. The market is just not there for M-rated games. The same could be said about T-rated games too.
We did pitch it to Gamecock when we finished with Dementium: The Ward. No, it’s not going to happen.

PN: What do you think of the Nintendo 3DS?

JW: It’s going to be awesome. I am really looking forward to it, the ultimate handheld. What I heard, from sources, it's basically a GameCube with rumble and stuff. I am a big fan of the DSiWare Shop, and excited for the 2nd generation of what that will be. Just imagine it on the 3DS, to walk around and be able to download a game for 200 to 1500 points is a great thing.

Sadly it seems that Dementium won't be hitting the Wii anytime soon, but it is good to see so many developers excited about the prospects that the 3DS can bring to the future of handheld gaming.

Do not forget to read Cubed3's interview with Jools about Dementium II here.

Would you like to see Dementium on Wii? And are developers right to get excited about Nintendo's new hardware?

Box art for Dementium II

Renegade Kid







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We took Dementium: The Ward and added on high-resolution textures and lighting. It looked great. The market is just not there for M-rated games. The same could be said about T-rated games too.

Once again, I point to sales of Re4 and MonsterHunter3...both saling better then previous generations or incantations on other formats. Given how long Re4 had been out on other formats, the Wii version should have sold terribly, but it didnt.

No, its non-branded games that dont sale well. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Guest 29.03.2010#2

Darkflame, it's 'to sell':

I sell this game for 40 pounds.
We're selling a lot of games.

I just had to correct you. It has been bugging me for a while now. Smilie

Jim (guest) 29.03.2010#3

Maybe it's a like a metaphor or somthing to George Saling? Winner of 110 m hurdles at the 1932 Summer Olympics.

Just like how Monster hunter and Resident evil are jumping over there sales, like hurdles. In the 1932 Summer Olympics.

Yes. That is it.

To be honest, just because Gamecock said no, I don't think Renegade/Jools should give up on the idea. Dementium is easily RK's most popular brand now, and if DII proves a success I'm sure other publishers will show more interest...even if it's just a spruced up WiiWare version of the first game.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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capt xena 31 @gmail .com (guest) 06.05.2010#5

I think Dementium would be a hit on the videogame sytems I hope they bring Dementium to the wii,psp ,xbox360 and the ps 3

Paul (guest) 30.08.2010#6

That's really too bad, I liked Dementium on DS a lot, and with higher-resolution graphics and better textures and lighting and stuff it would be awesome.

And I totally disagree with the whole "there's not an audience for M on Wii" thing.
RE4 sold 1.75 million on Wii alone. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was awarded "best Wii game of 2009" by like 5 separate publications. Renegade Kid (or Gamecock) needs to get over their PS360 home console worship.

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