Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Details

By 26.03.2010 6

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Since the release of Spiderman 2, it's fair to say that the Spiderman games have been a little lacklustre, but hopefully, that's about to change, with details emerging of a new Spiderman title in development.

According to a new listing on the WonderCon website, the game is set to appear during a planned Activision panel, at next weeks WonderCon conference, in San Fransisco. During the panel, more details on the game will be revealed.

Whilst details are sketchy at the moment, it is known that Beenox Studios will be developing the game. The Canadian based studio have previously worked on licensed videogames, which include Monsters vs. Aliens, Bee Movie Game and Guitar Hero Smash Hits. The game also won't be set in one central city, like previous games and set in a brand new universe, never before seen in a Spiderman game. Not only that, but two new villains will be appearing in it.

Prepare to be surprised with the unique, unexpected worlds Spider-Man will adventure through in Activision's latest foray

Box art for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions








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Web of Shadows DS-version was pretty darned good, and that one definitely came after Spiderman 2 Smilie ..

Quite curious to see if this one turns out as good as that one Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Spiderman on the countryside!

*birds chirping*

"I feel I just don't belong here..." , emo-man justifies.

joe (guest) 27.03.2010#3

this game sounds awesome!Smilie

I'm not too sure because spider-man games never usually interest me enough to buy it but since they acknowledged that their previous spider-man games weren't too great sounds like they'll definitely make a change to please the consumers. Also changing the scenario and adding new villains sounds like maybe there might be a creative story coming up but what i'm worried about is the fighting and mostly the graphics because the previous games have been seriously lacking in fighting styles and realistic graphics especially web of shadows

I still think the freeroaming Spiderman2 was the correct way to go.
GTA-Spiderman is perfect in principle. It just needed proper, decent development and refinement.

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Spidey games are usually rent-only for me. I love Spider-Man but once you finish the main game that's it really - and they're usually quite short :/

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